"Dad! Dad! Guess what!" I shout, as i enter the house, after running home from the game.
"What is it, princess?" He reads my expression and jumps up.
"I made the team! I'm gonna be the libero!" I scream.
He picks me up and spins me around, both of us laughing. "I'm so proud of you! Hey, you know what this calls for?" He says as he puts me down and I shake my head.
"A round trip on the bullet train, to Hatsetsu!"
I put my hand over my mouth in pleasant surprise. "We're going to Hatsetsu?" Dad nods. "I got the tickets last week. We were gonna go this weekend anyway, but now we have a reason." I stand in shock.
"But I'm on the team now, i need to be at practice on Monday. " I start to worry. "When are we going to be back?"
"Don't worry, Princess. We'll be back in time for your afternoon classes. Now go get packed."
I smiled. I love my Dad.I was blasting the soundtrack for Phantom of the opera as i got ready to leave. It's a play about a man, hideously disfigured, who lives in a basement and haunts an opera house. He falls in love with a dancer and teaches her to sing. She becomes the toast of Paris, he becomes a sociopath. Then she leaves him for her childhood sweetheart who she doesn't really love. Sad.
Now, let's see. First, I packed my pajamas and toiletries. I'll be skating, so I packed warm gear. Two long-sleeve sport shirts, one pair of leggings. And thick socks.
Dancing at Aunt Minako's studio. I put in my dance gear.
Dad pokes around the corner. "Remember to take your uniforms," he reminds me. I nod, and he goes to pack his own bag. He comes back. "By the way, the Katsuki's have some personal guests over, so it might be a good opportunity to make some new friends." I freeze. They don't usually have people over. I wonder who it is. I promise Dad I'll try my best.
I am left alone to my thoughts once again. I plan on using the hot spring, so i pack my one piece swimsuit. My armwarmers. My phone charger and my wallet. Some casual clothes for going out, and snacks. All set.
"Dad! I'm ready!"
"Good! The train leaves in an hour, let's go."
As we drive to the station, I text Asahi and Daichi, telling them where I'm going, and that I'll be at practice on Monday. I get quick replies from both of them, and settle back.
Hatsetsu, here I come.**********
I gingerly step off the train at Hatsetsu station. Dad said Uncle Yuri would meet us at the platform, but I can't see...
"Is that them?" I hear a loud, somehow familiar russian accent over the noise. Turning in that direction, i first spot Uncle Yuri.
"Uncle Yuri!!" I run up and hug him. I missed this dork, he's been in America for 5 years. I let him go so Dad can hug him, and nearly smack into someone.
"Sorry!" I apologize, bowing.
"Don't worry." There's that accent again. "Yuri told me you have a habit of crashing."
"N-no I didn't! Viktor, please stop telling stories!"
Wait, Viktor?
I look up and see none other than, Viktor Nikifirov.
I small sqeak escapes my lips as I gaze upon the 5-time Grand Prix champion. Best Ice Skater in the world.
"What are you doing here?!" Dammit, I sounded like a 9-year-old mobster.
"Oh, did the little piggy not tell you?" He smirks and lays an arm over my older cousin, causing him to get nervous. He turns back to me. "I'm Yuri's new coach."Blackout.
When I came to, I was in the car, apparently on our way to the Inn.
"Dad?" I mumbled groggily.
"She's awake! What is it, Princess?" His eyes are shining with concern.
"I had the most messed up dream, that Viktor Nikifirov was Uncle Yuri's new..."
My vision clears and I see the silver-haired Russian watching me from the front passenger seat. "Never mind, it's reality."It took everything in me to not scream. Viktor looked at me. "Are you alright?"
He turned to Dad. "Is she alright?"
Dad nodded. "She's fine, she just has trouble taking good news calmly. Which reminds me," he gives me a knowing look.
"Aki has some good news of her own."
Dad, no.
His face was saying dad yes.
"Oh, really?" Viktor and Uncle Yuri say at the same time.
I nod my head. "Yep. And I'm not saying a word until dinner!"
Mr. Nikifirov pouts. I smirk and stick my tongue out at him.

Just because I'm a girl
FanfictionA Haikyuu fanfic. A jock girl starts her first year at Karasuno. She wants to join the boys volleyball club, but not everyone is keen to have her play. Watch as she fights to stay where she is. Will she eventually be accepted as part of the team?