Chapter 5

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I suddenly woke up with sweat on my forehead and tears overflowing from my eyes because of the fear I felt. I got up quietly so I wouldn't wake up Luna and went to the bathroom to wash my face and later on go to the kitchen and drink some cold water so I could relax. I checked the time and it was 5 at dawn. I lost my desire to sleep on my fluffy bed, instead I went to watch some early cartoons it had in the morning. Time passed and finally it was time to get ready for school. I tried to shook Luna to wake up so she wouldn't be late for her first class which was maths. The mathematics teacher Mr. Karter was quite strict and serious.

The first class I had was science with Mr. Tom and I wasn't especially looking forward to it. I went to my class and sat in my seat next to the window and then Ethan came in with the other guys, his best buddies the bad guys trio. Ethan came and sat again right next to me.

''Hey angel.'' He told me while looking at me with a slight worry and sadness in his eyes. Like I was the one at fault for yesterday.

''What do you want Ethan?'' I rolled over my eyes and opened my textbook for him to take the hint I wasn't in the mood to talk to him after the nightmare.

''You still mad about yesterday? I want to take you out for apology. Please.'' He said with eyes so dark, fear shot right threw my heart and a chill passed threw my spines.

''No of course not, Ethan. Why in the heavens would I be mad at you?'' I said with a sarcastic tone in my voice now sounding higher pitched then before.

''I wanted to apologize for yesterday. Just come, you will have a great time'' He said while cutting a paper out of his textbook and started scrambling on it and writing something.

I hesitated to answer. ''Ok. Where do you want to take me?''

''You will see. Meet me here angel.'' He passed me the paper that he was writing on. ''21:00 o'clock outside the big tree back of the school. You know we are not allowed there.'' I told him while reading the paper. ''You will see...'' He just grinned with a sly smile and returned back to his textbook and weirdly enough listened to the teacher and took notes.

We finally finished school and I went to the library to do the homework and a project we had to do due to this week and I needed some information from some old books. I had to write about the history of a girl that got suddenly lost and no one could ever find her and for that I needed to check some old books of the school and do some internet search with her name. The girl used to go to this school too and all happened 100 years ago. Pretty funny how this school existed for so many years and it still looks amazingly in a good condition. The girl's name was Angela Eden. Some people say she was lost in the forest of the school while others say she had went crazy, mentally unstable and so she ran one night in panic and fear near the cliff of the forest and she threw herself down and died. But no one ever found her body anywhere. It was as if from one day to the other Angela didn't exist anymore.

They said that Angela was a very friendly girl and kind of quite, she mostly kept her problems to her self. But one day she met a guy in this same school and everything changed. She was no longer the friendly quite girl, she was a person that from a snap of a finger went crazy and started talking nonsense about things and creatures that didn't exist. They even thought they should close her in an asylum and that's when she was gone. That night of 15nth of December, something unusual happened and she started talking about her being punished and gone from this world for a mistake she made by opening her mouth too much and by keeping too many secrets. The only person that knew her and knew many things about her was her roommate that also went missing the same exact night just a little after her. All this mystery drained me inside it and as I checked my phone I saw it was nearly 21:00. I had to go and get ready for the meeting I had with Ethan under the big tree.

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