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I was bleeding out of three places: the top of my right leg, from where the lower part of my right arm was, and my left wrist. Each place that was bleeding marked the loss of a piece of my body. I don't even know how I managed to drag myself out of the shed where I did it, but I did. I managed to crawl out into the snow.

The ice cold air hit my like a truck and between that and the icy snow I was crawling on, my body was frozen, the only place that weren't frozen were the places that continued to bleed. I was going to die and it made me feel relieved. I laid in the snow letting my body freeze even more.

"Lieutenant General! There's a body!" I heard someone yell. No, let me die, I thought. I heard the crunching of snow as people ran closer to me.

"She's breathing, tie off her wounds!" a woman yelled.

"Let me die," I managed to say before drifting off into the cold darkness.

My body felt warm, but was in a lot of pain. I felt so weak, I couldn't do anything, not even open my eyes. "It's amazing that she is still alive," I heard someone comment, by the sound of his voice he was standing close to me.

"It's a miracle, that's what that is," a woman replied, she was also standing near me. "But she won't last long, even like this."

"What do you suggest?" the man asked.

"The Elrics, I will call them and tell them to come here immediately," she said. "I want to know how this happened to her, Major, follow her blood trail before the snow covers it."

"Yes ma'am," the man said and then I heard the sound of him leaving before drifting off back into the darkness.

"What's so important that you needed us to rush over here?" I heard a different woman from before ask.

"She is," the woman from before said.

"What happened?" another woman asked. I didn't hear anything for a second.

"She didn't!" the second woman shouted.

"It seems that way," the first woman replied.

"What do you need us to do?" a third woman asked.

"Use your alkahestry," the first woman said. "And then Winry, would you make her automail?"

I was so close to dying, I wanted to die. It was that one thought that made me able to say something, "Let me die."

"Did she just speak?" the second woman, I'm guessing Winry, asked.

"This is the first time she's said anything since we found her," the first woman said.

"What did she say then?" the third woman asked.

"The same thing, to let her die," the first woman replied.

"Well then, May, fix her up," Winry said and once again I drifted off into the darkness.

When I woke up this time, I felt strong enough to open my eyes, so I did. I saw people standing around me. There was a woman with blonde hair, a woman with black hair, and a woman with blonde hair that had gray streaks in it.

"She's awake," the woman with black hair said.

"Do you know where you are?" the younger blonde woman asked. I noted that the woman with graying blonde hair was wearing a military uniform.

"Briggs," I managed.

"Do you know what you did?" the older blonde asked. I nodded.

"Why did you do it?" the woman with black hair asked.

"My sister," I replied. All three women shared a look.

"We won't speak about these events with either brother," the younger blonde stated.

"Or the military," the older blonde added.

After that day I was outfitted for an entire right leg, my lower right arm, my left hand, and even something for my side; it was not my idea to get automail the three of them forced me to. It took Winry Elric all of a week to make each part, though I didn't get to put them on until a week after both Winry and May Elric left. I found out that the older blonde woman was Lieutenant General Olivier Armstrong aka the Ice Queen aka the Northern Wall of Briggs. Every six months after that Winry came to check up on my automail and by extension me.

Being that I was only eleven and I had no family, Olivier took me in and treated me not only as her soldier, but as her daughter. I hadn't spoke a word since that day I first really woke up and no one pushed me to speak, they never really pushed me for the whole story. They knew I did a human transmutation to bring back my sister, but that's all they knew; well that and my name. I only ever gave them my first name, so when Olivier took me in she gave me her last name.

I was 16 when weird things started to happen in Amestris.

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