Gorgeous Blonde Stalker

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Monday morning came and Valerie is on her way to the Berry's house, when she realized that she no longer have to take the long road just to pick the girl up. Since their house and her apartment are in different directions, Valerie has to turn the other way around just to reach the girl's house. But now that Finn already claim that task, she doesn't have to do that anymore. Well, she must've forgotten about that because she's now pulling over their driveway absentmindedly.


Good thing that her dads are already gone, and Finn must've pick Rachel already since the driveway is now empty, if it weren't for her car.

Cursing herself repeatedly, Valerie immediately pull out of their driveway and was about to leave when she saw Finn's truck approaching the Berry's house.

"What the hell?"

Out of curiosity, Valerie turned her car to the opposite direction so Finn won't noticed her. She parked her car far away as possible from the house but enough for her to see what's going on in there. She looked over her rear-view mirror and there she saw Rachel appearing at the front door of the house.

That made Valerie totally confused. Aren't they supposed to be at school now? It's almost eight and classes are starting anytime soon. And she knew Rachel wouldn't want to be late on her first class. The girl is maintaining some grades for her college application and tardiness is really not the best way to achieve that.

Finn immediately kiss her on her lips when she finally approached him and Valerie almost break the glass of her rear-view mirror after witnessing the scene. Her grip on the steering wheel tightened up and the tensing of her jaw was evidently visible. She was stopping herself from storming out on them because honestly, she doesn't want to make a scene. And besides, she really wants to know what's going on between them so it's better if she remained calm and quiet.

When she saw them walking inside the car and finally pulling over the driveway, she waited for a couple of seconds before following them and tailing behind them. She kept enough distance between them though, since she's aware that Rachel knew her car, and she might suspect something suspicious, which will probably lead to a seriously bad outcome. And who knows what will Rachel do to her? She might get kick out of Rachel's life in an instant so it's better to be safe than to be sorry.

Only a few miles away and they will now reach McKinley High. And Valerie couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Maybe she just overreacted a little bit because why would Rachel cut classes right? Rachel never skip any of her classes her whole life so why would she think that she'll do it now? Maybe Finn was just late and Rachel waited for her because her dads are already gone and there is no way she could go to school barely walking. Valerie hissed. She never arrived late when picking Rachel up to school because she knew the girl doesn't want to be late on her first period, and yet Finn is practically ruining Rachel's record by arriving two minutes before the first period time. What a jerk.

Apparently, Valerie was wrong with her assumptions when Finn decided to take a left turn, just when they were about to reached the school. She almost stepped on the break in shock but luckily, she managed to control herself. She didn't had the time to take a left turn though because she's not really aware about that sudden move. She stopped at the middle of the road and shifting her gear to reverse when a loud beeping startled her. She looked over her rear-view mirror and saw a red volkswagen beetle behind her, obviously irritated that she blocked the person's way.

"Okay, geez, I'm moving out of your way." she muttered under her breath as she made a quick u-turn and immediately entered the street where Finn and Rachel went.

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