New "New Directions"

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"Listen, guys." Mr. Schue said, walking inside the choir room.

They all settled down on their seats and watch as Mr. Schue stand in front of them, giving them a wide smile.

"I have great news." He announced to his twelve students.

"Are we doing Britney Spears again this week?" Brittany questioned, raising her left hand.

"Am I gonna get a solo for sectionals this year?" Mercedes blurted out perkily.

Rachel shifted from her sit when she heard that and she can't help but roll her eyes. Selfish might it sound, but she knew she's gonna be the one having a solo at sectionals. Well, she's always the one getting all the solos at everything so it's not really a shock to them.

"It's not actually about that, Mercedes, but, we'll work something on that. Okay?" Mr. Schue told her, then resuming on his news, he said, "Anyway, as I was saying. I know we only need at least twelve members to qualify for the competitions but, who am I to turn down anyone who's interested in joining, right?"

"Holy shit," Santana said, dropping both feet to the floor and leaning forward on her elbows. "Are you saying someone actually auditioned in this lame club?" 

They all glared at her, but Santana just shrugged.

"We're having a new member?" Tina said.

Mr. Schue smiled. "I want you to meet the newest members of the New Direction."


Quinn knew exactly Valerie is the new addition to the club. But she didn't expect she got some company with her.

"Girls." Mr. Schue called them.

And with that, three gorgeous girls came strutting inside the choir room and all their eyes were stuck on them. 

"What the hell?" Rachel was nothing but shocked at the sight she's witnessing— her dearest best friend walking inside and joining the club she knew the girl hated the most. Well, not actually hate hate. Not the kind of hate that involves hating the people in it. It just that, the girl doesn't really like music that much, and of course that includes singing and performing and stuff. So, her, joining glee club doesn't really makes sense.

While Kurt, on the other hand, was nothing but delighted seeing the one who saved him joining the club that he considers his family. Somehow, it made him feel much safer in this room. Having someone who cared about him for real— Valerie didn't even know him that much and yet she still chose to stood up for him. She chose to help him. And with that, it makes her a better person than anyone else.

"Woah, the soccer players?" Artie blurted out, raising both his hands in front of him.

"Glee club's getting even even better." Puck mumbled as she drooled over the three girls.

"Hey, uhh, fellas." Valerie greeted, when they stopped in front of them, and then letting out a nervous chuckle.

"These three here are our best soccer players in Lima and no one couldn't disagree with that. Right?" Mr. Schue told them and they all cheered. Well, except for Rachel who is still in state of shock and surprise. "But I didn't expect they're also one hell of a performers. They surprised me with their audition yesterday."

"So you sing now, huh?" Rachel interjected.

Then they all stopped to turn and look at her.

"Uh, oh." Mercedes mumbled, looking at the three then at Rachel.

"You are so gonna get whipped by the dwarf, Vanderwaal." Santana said chuckling.

Valerie let out a deep nervous breath. She didn't really prepared herself for this. She didn't thought about what she's gonna say to Rachel when she ever sees her sauntering around the choir room. What is she supposed to say? That she joined glee club because Quinn Fabray asked her to do so? That she joined glee club so that she could sabotage her relationship with Finn? Hell, she'd probably kill her if she ever tell her that. Or worse, she might leave her. She might disappear from her life for good. And Valerie can't actually take that.

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