Chapter 5

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Five months later - (middle of January) Lyric's first birthday is in two weeks. I cannot believe that my baby boy will be a year old in two short weeks; fourteen short days.

Gavin and I are still together and going strong. We're constantly with each other except for the two classes we don't share and when either he's at work or I am. Except not being together at work is uncommon since we work at the same sporting good store. When I'm at work which is day shift Friday through Sunday's and mum watches Lyric for me so he doesn't have to attend daycare on Friday's since she doesn't work.

"Hey baby," I hear Gavin say from behind me as he slides his arms around my waist as I change Lyric's diaper at the changing table.

Smiling broadly I turn my head slightly to peck him on the lips as I hold a squirming Lyric in place. "Hi babe, I missed you," I tell him as I pick Lyric up who's leaning toward Gavin, who takes him from me and tickles his tummy causing my son to shierk out giggles.

"Hi Lyric, I missed you too," Gavin tells him as he kisses my son's chubby cheek.

"Da-da," Lyric chirps out happily as he pats Gavin on the cheek; causing Gavin and I to stop and stare at him with our mouths hanging open.

Gavin turns to me with shock written all over his handsome face. "Did he just call me da-da and his first word?" he manages to stammer out.

Tears instantly well in my eyes and roll down my cheeks as I nod, taking my phone out of my back pocket. "He did, have him say it again so I can record it and sent it to mum."

Gavin nods turning his attention back to Lyric who's babbeling at him. "Lyric, who am I?" he asks him bouncing him a little.

Lyric giggles again patting Gavin on the cheek. "Da-da!" he happily squeaks out.

Gavin points to me asking him, "Where's papa, Lyric, can you say pa-pa?" Lyric's attention shifts to me as I continue to record him as he points to me with a giggle but refusing to say papa right now. I can't even be uspet that his first word is 'da-da', I'm just excited that he's said his first word.

Stopping the recording and sending it to mum, while wiping the tears off my face. "I'm so proud of you, Lyric!" I praise as Gavin wraps an arm around my wasit and pulls me to his side and kissing my temple.

"Don't cry, baby, this is happiness," Gavin exclaims softly as he squeazes me tighter around the waist.

"I am happy, these are happy tears," I tell him as I wrap an arm around his waist and one around his arm and Lyric.

"You're silly baby," is all Gavin says as my phone dings alerting me to a text message.

Checking my phone I see it's a text from mum, stating, "Oh my sweet baby boy is growing up! How did Gavin take Lyric calling him da-da? How are you taking that papa wasn't his first word?"

Chuckeling at mum as I show Gavin the text, whose smile becomes even brighter. "I love that he calls me da-da," he states with no room for doubt.

Smiling at him and Lyric, I reply that back to mum and that I'm okay with da-da being his first word, that I'm proud of Lyric for saying his first official word.

Two weeks have passed since Lyric called Gavin da-da and he's now saying papa and is trying to say nan for my mum. Today is Lyric's first birthday and we're having a small family gathering for it. My five uncles and two three aunts arrived two days ago and all found a local hotel to stay at since there are so many of them, they couldn't stay with us, except Auntie Henson, whose staying with us.

We've had them over every night for dinner and to spend time with them since the last time we saw all of them was for Christmas when mum, Lyric and I went home. That was bitter-sweat time for me. I got to spend a whole six days with the family but it was a long nine days away from Gavin and I could tell Lyric missed him as well; he wasn't as happy as he normally is.

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