Chapter 4

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The next morning while sitting at the table eating breakfast with mum and Lyric, mum clears her throat and looks at me with a smirk gracing her lips. "So, what's up with that kiss you and Gavin shared last night in the driveway?"

Blushing a deep red as I feed Lyric a spoonful of his oatmeal. "Um, we're dating as of last night, so, yeah, um," I stammer out not looking at her; fully focused on my adorable 7 month old son.

Mum chuckles at me. "I figured it wouldn't take the two of you to start dating. Just be careful not to end up pregnant again or you and Lyric becoming to attached to Gavin if your relationship doesn't work."

I nod in understanding; I can understand where she's coming from. The last boyfriend I had resulted in Lyric, not that I would change anything about him; but that boyfriend bailed on us and I was a wreck the first couple of months after we broke up even if Hunter was a dick.

"I know, mum, but thank you for worrying about us," I answer her while looking her in the eyes.

She hums an acknowledgment as she continues to eat. "Once you and Lyric have finished breakfast, we're going to head to the first daycare, alright?" she asks as she stands to place her bowl and utenciles in the dishwasher.

"Yes, mum," I answer as I wipe Lyric's face off with a wet wipe before handing him his bottle of milk to drink while I finish my bowl of oatmeal. Mum nods as she heads upstairs to change out of her pajamas.

Once Lyric and I have finished our breakfast and I've loaded our dirty dishes into the dishwasher and washed his highchair tray down, we head upstairs ourselves to change. Ten minutes later we're back downstairs with mum heading out to her Jeep heading towards town.

Pulling into the first daycare, I sigh silently to myself as I climb out to take Lyric from his car seat in the back before heading inside with mum. We're greeted by a worker who happily shows us around the center and the room that Lyric would be in if we choose this center. Once the tour was completed she handed me the paperwork I would need to fill out if I pick them. We thank the woman before leaving to head to the second center.

Two hours later the three of us are back home and I've placed Lyric in his crib to finish his nap before having lunch when he wakes. As I sit at the kitchen table mulling over my options, I've narrowed it down to two daycares that I like and the price isn't bad.

Mum comes into the kitchen to start lunch asking me as she cooks, "So, have you picked one?"

Sighing I tell her as I look over the paperwork. "I've narrowed down to two that I like. Can you possibly give me your opinion on them, please?"

"Sure baby," she says as she puts the burner on the stove on low. Leaning over my shoulder she looks at the two options for several minutes before tapping the paperwork of Sunny Brook Child Care. "I like them the best," she states before going back to the stove.

Nodding as I place the other centers paperwork on the discard pile I start filling out the paperwork for Sunny Brook Child Care. "I'm thinking I'll have Lyric go to daycare once a week until school starts so hopefully he'll be comfortable when I leave him there while I'm at school."

"Sounds good, baby," mum replies just as Lyric lets out a whimper through the monitor.

Sitting down my pen to quickly climb the stairs to enter his room to find Lyric sitting up in bed, bawling his eyes out. "Shh, Lyric, you're alright, papa has you," I whisper to him as I pick him up and sooth him as I bounce him gently in my arms.

A few minutes later, he's done crying so I place him on the changing table to quickly take off the wet diaper to replace it with a clean one after wiping him down with a wet wipe. Once I've taken him off the table and turn off the baby monitor we head downstairs.

"Don't bother letting him play, Harper, lunch is ready," mum calls from the kitchen as my feet land on the floor off the bottom step.

"How about some lunch, huh, Lyric?" I ask him as we enter the kitchen. Seeing mum Lyric lets out a squeal while making grabby hands at her, who takes him from me and peppering his face with kisses causing him to giggle like crazy.

After lunch mum watched Lyric for me so I could finish filling out the paperwork for the daycare and return it, along with setting up his schedule for the next two weeks of summer and for the first month when school starts.

Along with that I also paid for the first month and a half; due to the money I recieved from my grandparents when they passed. The Sunny Brook rate was $3.00 an hour so the first two times he'll be there it will be only $24.00 for the first two weeks and then $384.00 for when I'm at school eight hours a day four days a week. I don't have classes on Friday's so it works.

When I returned home with mum's Jeep an hour later, I enter the house to find Gavin in the living room with mum and Lyric. Gavin's sitting on the floor with Lyric playing with him as mum is prepairing her lesson plans for when school starts.

"Hey baby, how did everything go?" mum asks as soon as I enter the living room.

"Good, everything is all set, he'll attend Wednesday next week, Friday the week after and then Monday through Thursday after the second week." I sit on the floor next to Gavin, who leans over to gently kiss my lips.

"Hi," I greet him once we've pulled apart.

"Hey babe," he greets back as I turn my attention to Lyric, who's crawled into my lap holding his arms up wanting me to hold him; which I'm happy to oblige him. Peppering his face in kisses causing him to laugh.

"Hi baby boy, I missed you," I tell my son once I'm done smothering his face in kisses and he snuggles himself into my chest.

"Can I take you and Lyric out on a date tonight?" Gavin asks as he wraps an arm around Lyric and me.

Nodding at him, I peck him on the cheek before replying, "Of course, we would love too." Bouncing my son a little as I ask him, "We would love to go out tonight with Gavin, huh, Lyric?"

"Great, be ready by 5:30 then, we have someplace to be by 6 p.m.," he says with his signature smirk that causes my insides to become jelly. Humming a reply as I shift my hold on Lyric, who's leaning toward Gavin while making grabby hands at him.

Gavin left an hour later stating he needed to prepair himself for our date and the date itself. Glancing at the time, I notice that I still have two hours before Gavin returns for our date, might as well start getting ready. I lay Lyric down for his short afternoon nap; deciding that this is the perfect time to shower. So, after turning on his monitor, I grab a long sleeve pullover gray sweater, a pair of black skinny jeans and socks and underwear before taking a quick shower.

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