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Four months later - Prom has come and gone a month ago and now today is graduation day. I cannot wait to start the newest chapter of my life with Gavin and Lyric. Oh, I almost forgot to say that I'm also three months pregnant.

I'm beyond excited for this pregnancy since I have someone who I love with all my heart and he loves me the same to share this pregnancy with. Lyric and the new baby with be twenty-two months apart in age. Secretly I would love to have a little girl but I won't object to another little boy. I think Gavin secretly wants a little girl as well, but I know like me, either way he'll love this baby like he does Lyric; like his own.

Not only do we have graduation this afternoon at 4 p.m. but Gavin and I also have an ultrasound today at 2 p.m. My due date has been confirmed as November 22, 2019, exactly 22 months age difference between my two babies. Lyric has grown so much overthe last few months; he's more confident in his walking, his vocabulary is growing, besides da-da and papa, he says 'no', 'up', 'cu' for cup and nan for my mum.

Speaking of my mum, she's found herself a new boyfriend, go mum! He's a co-worker, Mark teaches English to high schools; him and mum meet at an all staff meeting. Mum and Mark have been together for two and a half months now.

Uncle Corbin and Uncle Carter and their three beautiful children have moved here as well. They found a place with mum's help three blocks from us and moved into their new home a month ago. Uncle Corbin works at the local police department and Uncle Carter works at the bakery here in town.

I drop Max off at the same daycare as Lyric on my way to school to help out my uncles and mum takes Holly and Molly to school every morning and Uncle Carter picks them and Lyric up every day.

Auntie Henson moved here three months ago along with mum's help finding a place. Mum had an easier time finding Uncle Corbin and Uncle Carter a home than Auntie, so she stayed with us for about three weeks before they found her a small two bedroom house a block from us.

I'm loving that some of the family has moved here. I secretly wish that Uncle Harrison and Uncle Garrison and Uncle Kevin would move here with their families but I doubt that will ever happen.

"Baby, are you ready?" Gavin asks as he enters our shared bedroom at mum's house as he carries Lyric on his left arm.

I moved in with Gavin two months ago when I found out I was pregnant. Mum wasn't totally thrilled that I'm pregnant again so soon but she at least flip her lid like I thought she was going to. She was the one who suggested that we move in together either at home or here. We picked here since it's less crowded and Lyric has his own room. Gavin's house was too crowded, even though Auntie has taken up the basement as her own room even after she was offered my bedroom.

Glancing at Gavin and Lyric as I finished fixing my black tie that matches my two boys, I nod with a smile realizing that Gavin's tie wasn't straight. Walking over to them I peck Gavin on the lips before kissing Lyric's cheek before fixing Gavin's tie.

"Now I'm ready," I say as I finish with a broad smile.

In two months time, the three, soon to be four are moving into our own apartment near the University so Gavin can attend classes while I stay home and attend online. Gavin's also keeping his job at the law firm as a part time assistant while he attends University. He's going for buisness or law. I'm going for social worker.

The three of us head out of the house to head to the doctor's and then to the school in preperation of graduation. Mum, Mark and Auntie Henson are meeting us there and Auntie offered to watch Lyric for us during the ceremony and for the night, stating we needed a night out to ourselves and enjoy. After much stressing and debating Auntie and mum convinced me to agree, so Gavin and I are going to an after party tonight for a few hours. Obviously I won't be drinking and neither is Gavin, he said that if I can't thank neither will he. Isn't he the sweetest and he's all mine.

Three hours later, the ultrasound is done and we're standing in alphabeta order of last names in rows waiting for our dipolmas. After a very long hour and a half of speeches, the superindent finally starts calling people. Almost done with this chapter.

Once the ceremony was completed, Gavin and I quickly found each other. "Congrats, baby," Gavin purrs in my ear as he wraps his aroumds my baby bump, pulling me to his toned chest.

Turning my head to see him with a wide grin. "You too, babe, I'm so glad this is done, now on to better and greater things in life." Tilting my head backwards for him to lean down and kiss me, which he happily complies with my silent request.

Mum, Mark, Gavin's brothers, Auntie and Lyric we find in the stands a few mintues later and we're hugged by everyone and congratulated.

Taking Lyric from Auntie, he screams out, "Papa, da-da!" Giggling at my goofy boy, both Gavin and I kiss him on oppiosite cheeks.

"Hi baby boy, were you good?" I ask him but really asking anyone who'll answer me.

"He was a very awesome little man," Auntie assures me with a warm smile at the three of us. "Now, let's go have dinner before the two of you enjoy your evening out."

Nodding in agreement all of us head to the parking lot to get in our cars and head to the local Italian resturant for a celebration dinner before Auntie takes Lyric home for the evening.

Four years later - Lyric James is now just over 5 years old and our daughter, Harmony Maree, is 4 year old. Gavin has graduated from Univeristy just two months ago with a buisness degree and is still working in the advertising department of the law firm from four years ago and I've graduated as a social worker and a minor in photography.

I work two days a week and those two days Harmony attends preschool and daycare those days, and Lyric is in Kindergarten; that makes me sad. My babies are growing up way to quickly for my liking. Gavin and I married a year ago with Auntie as my Best Woman and Travis as Gavin's Best Man and Lyric and Harmony were our Ring Bearer and Flower Girl.

I'm also seven months pregnant with another boy, whoom we are going to name, Reed Gavin (if you hadn't noticed a musical theme, here it is. Harper is a type of insturment, Harmony is well harmonised and Reed is a mouth piece for an insturment. Yes, after it was my intention to name Lyric after the sheet music and Gavin liked it so much because then all three of our children had something in common with me).

Life has had it's ups and downs over the last six years but at the end of the day, I'm very thankful and happy that my life has turned out the way it has. Peace and love to you all, and I truly hope you find your music within you and around you.

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