Chapter 2

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As mum and I head back out to the Uhaul to start unloading with Lyric strapped to my chest in his baby carrier, I catch a glimps of a strickingly handsome guy sitting on the front steps of his house across the street from us.

He's probably around 5 feet 11 inches tall, well built, muscular but not to the point of disgusting, light brunette hair coloring and it looks like he has blue eyes but I can't tell at this distance. He has an oval shaped face with light stuble and his hair is cut close to the sides of his head and the rest is long is styled up in a messy but clean look. His lips, oh my goodness! His lips are so full and red that I would love to know how truly soft they are.

No, Harper, nope, not dating and no kissing, especially someone you don't know. Not after Hunter, I promised myself I wouldn't date again until Lyric was at least 4 years, that way he can tell me if he likes the guy I'm dating or not. No women for me, ew, girl parts scare me. I'm all the way gay, all guy all the time for me.

Sorry ladies, this guy is terrified of your lady parts. Now don't get me wrong, I love my mum and if Lyric had been a girl I would have loved him as much as I do now, and I've had female friends, I'm just not interested by them.

If you haven't gathered yet, I'm also a male who can become pregnant like the females. I have male and female body parts, male genatalia and features but a uterus inside. I've known since I was a child when I had to have an x-ray done on my stomach when I was compliaing of stomach pain to mum after dad had left. She passed it off as stress from him leaving the way he did. Turns out I was having 'period cramps' minus the period.

I digressed from the sexy god that's across the street. I snap out of my staring when mum snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Come on, let's start unloading and whatever we don't get done we can finish in the morning before we take the truck back."

Nodding at her as she opens the backend of the truck and we start hauling boxes inside, placing them in the rooms they are labled for. On our third trip out, sexy beast is standing at the end of the drive.

"Would you like help, my brothers and I could come and help you?" he asks softly but with a deep voice causing me to shutter internally at him.

"Sure," mum says smirking at me. Damn her, she knows I was drooling earlier.

He nods and heads to the front door of his house before hollering inside once he's opened it. A few minutes later, sexy beast and four other males come over and help us. It definitly went a lot faster with seven people unloading the truck than it would have if it was just mum and I; especially with Lyric strapped to my chest.

"By the way, I'm Hanson James," mum introduces herself before the five brothers help us. Mum shakes the hands of all the brothers as they introduces themsleves, too.

Let's see, there's Gavin Brown (sexy beast), he's the third oldest and he's 18 years. Then his two older brothers are Wesley, 20 years and Carter who's 21 years. Then there is Trenton, who's 16 years and Travis, who's 15 years.

"I'm Harper James and I've just turned 17 years, and this is my son, Lyric," I introduce myself and my son to them. I'm also trying to gauge Gavin's reaction to me having a child.

He doesn't seem disgusted or horrified so far so good then. "How old is he?" Gavin asks as he gently rubs a figer over the outside of Lyric's hand.

"He's six months," I answer honestly, not going to ruin a possible friendship with a lie. Gavin nods as he smiles at Lyric before we return to bringing the boxes inside.

Mum insists on repaying Gavin and his brothers by ordering dinner for us and them. At first they won't except but mum is persistint, in reality she should have been a lawyer and they finally agree. Mum asks what they want and we all agree on pizza, Gaving ordering and having it delivered.

"So, where are ya'll from?" Travis asks as we sit around the living room on the floor eating. Well, they're eating, I'm currently feeding Lyric his two jars of baby food before eating myself.

"Little Rock, Arkansas," I say while placing a spoonful of spinanch into Lyric's mouth with a smile at my son.

I see Gavin nodding his head slightly out of my perheverial vision. "Explains the accent."

Smirking at him as I finish feeding my son. "Yup, sure does. Come here," I say the last part to my son pulling him out of his high chair that normally is strapped to a table chair. I have it on the floor tonight.

Looking at the Brown brothers, I inform them, "Watch your stuff, I'm letting him down to play." They all nod their heads, grabbing their empty paper plates and toss them into the empty pizza boxes to take care of them before Lyric can get into them.

I start to stand to do this but Gavin inturpts me with, "Sit and eat, me and Travis will places this outside in the recycle dumpster." I say a quick 'thank you' to the two of them as they do so.

"So, mind if I ask a personal question?" Wesley asks toward me. I give him a nod as I eat and keep an eye on Lyric as he crawls, kind of. "Where's his mom?" he asks making a motion toward Lyric with his head.

"He doesn't have a mum, just me and my mum," I reply not answering without fully answering not knowing what their veiws are on the LGBTQ+ Community.

"Oh, that sucks that she left you alone to raise him," Wesley comments sadly.

I shake my head at him. "He's never had a mum, I guess in a sense I'm his mum since I was the one who was pregnant and had a c-section the day he was born," I say looking at him, trying to gage his feel for my sexuality and how my son came into this world.

"If you don't mind my asking, then where's his other dad?" Gavin asks from behind me as he and Travis sit back where they were before.

"His other father didn't believe me when I told him that I was pregnant with Lyric and that he was his son. Told me I was a cheater and a liar and he left. Haven't seen or been with him since and that was fifteen months ago."

Lyric's managed to army crawl to me and I pick him up, kissing his chubby cheek. "And we don't need him, do we Lyric? Your father doesn't know what he's missing out on."

"You're right it is his loss," mum speaks up as she stands to use the bathroom.

"So, last question, is his other father the same age as you, not that I'm trying to make an excuse for his horrible personality?" Gavin asks.

"No, Hunter is almost 2 years older than me. I was just barely 17 years when I had Lyric, so Hunter was not quite 19 years," I reply with a shrug as Lyric pats my cheek with a slobbery hand. "Hunter isn't even listed on Lyric's birth certificate. He doesn't want him, then he won't have any right to come at me about my son later on if he decideds to be a jerk. Only if he wants to go through court and a paternity test will he have any rights, and that's even if the courts allow him too."

The conversation thankfully is turned off from Hunter and our fucked up situation to that of what is there to do around here, what the school is like, etc. By 9 p.m. all of the Brown brothers except Gavin are heading home, he's offered to help mum unhook her Jeep since Lyric is fighting bedtime with me.

Gavin went home shortly after he finished helping mum, which I was greatful for. Mum takes him up on the offer so that way her and I don't have to do it in the morning before taking the Uhaul truck to the local shop before we explore our new home town since tomorrow is Saturday. We need to get a few things for the house tomorrow as well.

Finally setteling Lyric in his crib in my room for the night, tomorrow or Sunday mum and I are going to put his nursery together; I crawl onto my made matress that's sitting on the floor until tomorrow as well and fall asleep into a deep sleep. Been a good first day here so far.

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