Chapter 3

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We've been in Great Falls for a month now and I'm starting my senior year in two weeks. I'm not looking forward to this. Last year once, Lyric was born I attended online schooling so I could take care of him. Mum won't let me this year, she says I need to enjoy my last year of school but I don't want to leave Lyric with anyone who isn't myself or mum. If the family was here and available then I wouldn't be worried.

Mum is insisting that we check out the local daycare centers to find one that I'm comfortable with. Doubtful that I will but I'll do this if it makes mum happy even though I would rather stay home with my son and do the online schooling again. We're going tomorrow to check out the five centers that are within four miles of the high school.

I've grown a lot closer to the Brown brothers over the last month as well. Carter and Wesley are the legal gurdians of Gavin, Travis and Trenton, their parents died a few years ago from a skiing accendint in Colorado.

Carter has a long term girlfriend, Celeste, who's moving in with them in a week or two. Wesley just broke up with his girlfriend two months ago. Gavin and Travis are both gay (yeah for me) and Trenton likes girls but hasn't had a girlfriend in a while.

I've especially been spending quite a bit of time with Gavin. Lyric absolutly adores all of the Brown's but he really seems to love Gavin. I just hope with how attached he's become that Gavin doesn't decide to walk away and leave me with a heartbroken baby, granted I know this sounds selfish of me but I don't want my baby boy heart broken and I think I would be a little heartbroken myself.

"Harper, want to take Lyric to the park, let him enjoy the weather and the grass?" Gavin asks as he comes up the driveway to my son and I. Lyric lets out a squeal when he hears and sees Gavin, leaning toward him.

"Sure, we'd love that," I answer handing my son over to Gavin's awaiting arms with a smile.

"Awesome, let's go," Gavin says with a huge bright smile as he gently bounces Lyric in his arms causing my son to let out a burst of giggles as he snuggles into Gavin's chest.

Smiling at the sight before me. Truly in my heart, I would love for my son to have another parent in his life, but I don't want it to be Hunter. I would love if it was Gavin but I couldn't ask him to do this; he and I are only friends and that's how it looks like it will remain. I'm just thankful that all of the Brown brothers have kind of adopted him as their nephew and mum as their second mama and me as their brother.

At least we have connections here. I miss our family back home. Some of the family is coming out in two and a half months to spend Thanksgiving with us. I think Mum is planning on the three of us heading home at some point during the two week Christmas break to visit. Lyric will be 10 months old by then so, it shouldn't be to bad driving back home.

Five minutes later and one question to Gavin if he wanted me to take Lyric back since he's getting heavier and I was told no; we've reached the park. Gavin instanly heads to the swings, with me following with a smile. Lyric loves swinging. Gavin places my son in the baby swing and gently pushes him with Lyric giggling hysetericly like he does every time.

We spend the next hour at the park with Gavin pushing Lyric in a swing, both of us taking turns sliding down a slide with Lyric or playing with him at the sandbox.

At the end of the hour, Gavin and I decided to sit on the top of one of the picnic tables and talk for a while since Lyric fell asleep in my arms while we were playing in the sandbox.

"Harper," Gavin says softly not to disturb Lyric. Glancing up at him from Lyric's sweet face while humming in response. Gavin smiles at the two of us before continuing. "I was wondering if, um, maybe," he stutters out with slightly red cheeks.

Chuckeling softly as I gently lay the hand on his arm that isn't holding Lyric to me. "Gavin, breathe and then ask or say whatever it is you want," I tell him softly squeezing his arm gently.

He lets out a puff of air and breathes in deeply before looking deeply into my arms. "Will you go out on a date with me and become my boyfriend?" His face deepens to almost a cherry red.

My smile widens so much I feel as if my face is going to split in two. "Of course!" I asnswer happily.

Gavin's face instantly brightens along with his eyes. "You will?" he asks causing me to nod at him in response. "I mean, I know we've only known each other a month but I feel like we've connected on much deeper level and I already love Lyric like he's my own son and -" I cut him of by kissing him on his lucious pink lips, instantly silencing his rambles.

"Gavin, it doesn't matter that we've only known each other for a month," I start off saying as soon as we break apart. "I've felt this instant connection and attraction to you from the moment I laid my eyes upon you."

Gavin smirks at me making my insides melt as he leans over to gently kiss me, careful not to squish Lyric between us. Gavin deepns the kiss by placing a hand on the back of my neck and pulling us a little closer.

When we broke our kiss, Gavin slides his hand to hold my cheek, which I tilt into his hold with a smile at him. "We should probably take him home so he can sleep properly in his crib," Gavin whispers before kissing me softly again but much shorter this time.

Pulling apart I nod as we stand and head back toward home. Partway through the walk I shift my hold on Lyric and place his head in the crook of my neck and hold his little body flush with mine. Gavin had offered to hold him but I told him I was alright and he let me but walked holding my hand the whole way home.

Once inside my house we went upstairs to Lyric's nursery and I laid him gently in his crib. He only whined a little but never woke. Turning on the baby monitor and grabbing the other monitor we left the nursery shutting the door most of the way before making our way back downstairs to the living room.

"Want to watch a movie?" I ask him as we enter the living room. Mum is out today, meeting up with some of her coworkers that she's met already. Gavin nods and he walks over to the dvd shelf to find something.

"How about an Adam Sandler movie?" he asks looking at me. I nod and he takes one off the shelf before handing it to me. He picked out 'Waterboy' one of my favoirites. With a small smile I place it into the player then turning on the television.

Grabbing the remote before heading to the couch where Gavin is sittiing. Before I can sit down on the cushion next to him, he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me onto his lap. An instant blush speads across my cheeks but I allow him to keep me there. Snuggeling into his hold, I press play as he wraps both of his arms around my waist and placing a kiss on my temple.

Once the movie was done, Lyric was awake and as I went to his room to change him and bring him downstairs, Gavin was calling for take out dinner from the pizza place he ordered from the first nigh we were here.

Gavin stays with Lyric and I until mum arrives home around midnight. Walking him to the driveway, we share a parting goodnight kiss with a promise of seeing each other tomorrow when mum and I arrive home from visiting the daycare centers. I wish I had asked him to come with but Gavin is working a few hours in the morning so he wouldn't have been able to anyway.

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