Chapter 1

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"Harper, is everything of yours and Lyric's in the moving truck or the car?" mum asks me from the doorway of my bedroom that also served as Lyric's.

Making a final turn to face her, readjusting Lyric in my hold against my chest I nod. "Yup, was just making sure," I say smiling as I gently bounce my six month old son in my hold.

"Good, let's get a move on then," mum says as she gently rubs her hand through Lyric's dirty blond hair.

Thankfully the older he becomes, the more he looks like me instead of his other father, my ex-boyfriend, Hunter, who I was with for 2 years before he dumped me when I told him I was pregnant, that was fifteen months ago. I had already told mum I was pregnant before I told Hunter, she's the one who took me to the doctor but allowed to see him by myself. I told her the moment I was back in the waiting room where she was. Surprisingly she was mad, just a little upset that at 16 years almost 17 years I was pregnant.

Hunter didn't belive Lyric was his, thought I had been cheating on him. I did in fact tell his parents who were pissed, not because of Lyric but because he denied his son. His loss not mine, he's missing out on his son growing up and knowing who his other father is. When Lyric is older and wants to know about Hunter, I'll tell him and make sure he knows it wasn't my choice that Hunter wasn't around.

Mum works as a ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher and can get a job pretty much any where she would like. So, she decided at the end of the school year to put in a transfer from the high school, yup the same one I attended, here in Little Rock, AR to Great Falls, MT for a fresh start, as she put it.

So, we're off to start anew and I have mixed emotions about this. Yes, I'm excited to move out of state and start fresh and get away from Hunter but on the other hand I'm scared shitless because mum and I are leaving behind our friends and what little family we have to start over again because of me. Mum says this isn't the reason we're moving but I don't believe her and therefore I feel guilty.

The only family we have left is mum's brothers, Harrison and Garrison, her older by 2 years twin brothers, Kevin and Corbin, her younger brothers, by 2 and 4 years respectivly. Mum also has a twin sister, Henson, who is six minutes younger than mum. Mum and Henson are both 33 years old, mum had me when she was only 15 years old. So Garrison and Harrison are 35 years old, Kevin is 31 years and Corbin is 29 years.

We use to have once every two weeks family dinner together at someone's house, every sibling took a turn holding the get together.

Harrison and Garrison live in Sweet Home, which is about nine miles south-east of Little Rock. They run a construction company together there. Harrison and Garrison married twin sisters, which is different, named Kelli and Kylie. Harrison and Kelli have four kids, Harrison Jr. who's 18 years, Kacey who's 16 years, Hendrick who's 14 years and finally Kelsie who's 13 years. Garrison and Kylie have six kids, Gavin who's 17 years, Gracie who's 15 years, Kami who's 14 years, Kadence who's 13 years and twins Grayson and Mayson who are 8 years old, they were a surprise.

Kevin and Corbin both live in Alexander, which is a little over ten miles south-west of Little Rock. Kevin has never married but does have to children with his ex-girlfriend, Stephanie. Kyle is 4 years old and Kandence is 2 years old and they spend every other week with Kevin. Corbin has had a long term boyfriend, Carter, they've been together for 13 years now. They've adopted three children, Holly and Molly, sisters, and Max. Holly's 6 years, Molly is 4 years and Max is 3 and 1/2 years.

Mum's parents died 3 years ago from a drunk driver running a red light and hitting them head on. Granny died upon impact and PawPaw died an hour later at the hospital. The drunk driver was charged with two counts of vehicualar manslaughter and is spending the rest of his life in prison. My dad left mum and I when I was 4 years old. Mum was at school teaching and dad was supposed to be at home watching me since he didn't work. He up and left with some of his stuff and a note to mum while I was taking my nap just before she was supposed to leave work and come home.

When mum arrived at home that day, she found me sitting on the stairs of the house bawling because no one was there when I woke up. Mum filed for divorce the next day, was granted full legal custody of me since dad left me alone and never showed for the court date finalizing their divorce and custody over me.

It's been mum and I ever since, she's dated here and there throughout the years but never really found anyone she clicked with or hell honestly fully trusted.

"Come on, son, let's get this journey started," mum says pulling me out of my thoughts. Nodding as the three of us head to the Uhaul truck mum rented with a dolly on the back to haul her 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo. Lyric's car seat is in the middle between her and I.

Even though the trip is a twenty-five hour straight through drive, we're going to drive six hours, stopping when Lyric needs to be tended too and we need food. Then I'm going to drive the next six hours and then we're stopping at the hotel where mum rented a room; sleep for six hours and then drive seven hours each, only stopping for Lyric and food.

So, a little over a day drive is goind to take us almost two full days. If it was just mum and I we could make it close to the GPS time but my son is more important to both of us to do that to him. Now if he naps longer during the trip we might driver longer to make it sooner. Only time will tell.

Forty-eight hours later mum is driving in Montana and we see a sign that reads 'Welcome to Great Falls, MT. Population 59,178'. Mum and I both let out a sigh of relief, it hasn't been a horrible trip but we're both glad to be here.

"Welcome to Great Falls, Lyric," I whisper to him since he's asleep in his car seat.

"How far away are we from the new house?" I ask mum as she makes a right turn of the main street in town.

She glances at the GPS that's facing her so she can see it. "About five minutes, Harper," she says shooting a smile toward me. I can't help but grin back at her.

Five minutes later, she pulls the Uhaul into a driveway of a two story tan colored brick house with an attached garage with a peaked roof. There were big windows covering the bottom floor in rooms facing the road and smaller one's on the upper floor. Nice big green yeard with a small tree. With a cement path from the paved driveway to the front door on the side farthest from the garage and one through the side of the two stall garage. I hope the backyard is decent sized and perhaps fenced in for when Lyric is older.

"Damn mum," I mutter out after making sure Lyric is still sleeping.

"It's definitly beautiful, isn't it?" mum ask before climbing out as I unbuckle Lyric and carry a still sleeping baby inside the house, following mum.

She shows me around, she had taken a virtual tour of the house the the reality company that she bought the house through with the help of her new school. The school paid half of the cost of the house and the whole cost of us moving up here. Walking through the house as she shows me each room downstairs before heading upstairs.

The whole house is by far bigger than the house in Little Rock. This house is on a 50 by 200 square foot lot and the house is 1,600 square feet in total. Glancing as we walk by the slider door to the outside as mum and I head toward the stairs to head upstairs, I see the back yard is bigger than the front and is fenced in with the tall privacy fence. Score!

The upstairs was just as nice as the downstairs. The house has an living and dinning rooms, laundry room, kitchen and a full bath on the main floor. an attic and basement, the upper floor has four bedrooms all have walk in closets and a bathroom.

The house ⬇⬇⬇

The house ⬇⬇⬇

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