chapter 7

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(Your pov.)

I look at the compass as we walk north. Nothing very interesting is happening. "Anything you guys whant to talk about?" Asked maria. "I'm stuck in a time loop. " I say, pushing my (h/c) hair out of my face.

"Your WhAt?" Said Peggy. "Stuck in a time loop. But I guess either your in the loop with me or I'm out of the loop." I say.

"How long have you been in the loop?" Asked Maria. "About half a year. Maybe more." I say.

"HaLf A yEaR!" Screamed Peggy.

"I think the 'game master' is just making a game out of my situation." I say ignoring her. "Ok. Yeah maybe your right but HaLf A yEaR! Why know? Why would he chose know to torment us?" Asked pegs. "Mabye he's a very nice person and didn't whant to hurt us but he had to?" Said maria. "Mabye. I don't know! This is all so strange." I say.

Just as we turn the corner, we are face to face with a very weak person. They seam to be sloping out of consciousness. They fall.

"JoHn!" I scream, running to his aid.

"Maria do you have anything that could help him?" I ask. "I'm let's see. I have a phone that says '911' on it, a healing potion, a 'literally puts people out of unconscion', yeah I think these would help." She says.

"What the heack! How did someone make this stuff!?" Says Peggy.

"Let's heal John first. Then question thing's." I say. Maria hands me the 'liteterally puts people out of unconscion.'. After I forcefully make John drink the thing he shot up like someone just insulted him, or his turtles.

"Ummmmm.......what just happend?"he asks. "We saves your life! Know drink this." I say, shoving the bottle into his hands. He looks at me confused but then drinks it. All of his cuts and any other injury just vanished. Like it never happend.

"Are you feeling better?" I ask. "Yeah." I help him up, while standing up myself. He looks at all if us. "Are you confused orrr....." says Maria. "No, just happy to see you guys!" He says. We all just hug for 20 minuets. "We should start to move. Where's the compass?" Asked Maria.

"Right here." I say pulling it out of my pocket. "You have a compass!?"Says John. "Yeah." I reply. I start to walk north, they follow behind me.

We just walk north for like an hour. Chatting like normal, but when we finally find something a wolf pops out of nowhere and starts to attack us.

Peggy amideatly uses her flame thrower and just burns the wolf. (I hope that you bUrN!) After like 3 minuets the wolf disappears. "Ok...... I'm starting to question the creatures here." I say. Yeah. Why do they just disappear? Every one nods. "It's really weird." Says Maria.

"Well we should get going. We don't whant to get eaten by those.......things." says John. "I have more questions like what is up with the medican!? Like why is It just 'it will heal you like that with no effort'! It's just so odd!" I say, using air quotes.

We walk around for what seems like forever. Just talking.

Alexander's pov

I suddenly trip over a gun and land in a pile of swords and knifes.

"OWWWWW!" I scream in pain. Lafayette just roles his eyes and then helps me up. I am bleeding everywhere and I got lots of cuts. "Alexander....... you need help." He says. I look at him, giving him the death glare. "Yes, MEDICAL HELP!" I say flailing my arms dramatically. " I mean LOOK AT ME!" I say. Clearly angry at the moment.

(Ok, every time I read somthing, my head decides to use mattpats voice!XD! And if you don't know who that is......shame.....)

I just walk away angrily, while laff fallows. "Theres no need to be mad." I nearly died AGAIN! Of course I would be mad! Ugghhhhh! I just whant to be alone. Or live! That would be nice.

Angelica pov

I ran so fast I accidentally bumped into..... ELIZA!!! I fall to the ground.

"Ow..... ANGELICA!" She helps me up then hugs me. I hug back. We pull apart. I cry. She crys. We both cry.

After crying for a while we calm down and I grab all the stuff that fell onto the floor. We walk In the derection I was heading and looked on the ceiling and walls.

"How are you? We have been in this maze for a while!" Says Eliza. "Not very good. I mean, where traped in a maze!" I say. Whoever dicided to put is in here I will personally kill! I just want to get out of this maze.

Tida I did it. I actually finished this chapter.....yay. sorry I have been busy and I hadn't had the time. But it's here so be happy.....yay.

Ook love you guys!


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