chapter 10

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3rd POV

Angelica and Eliza walked the maze, tierd and hopeless. They thought that they would never get out of there. They nearly died once or twice, and perpusily stabbed themselves in the arms when the monsters attacked.

Alexander and Lafayette where filed with determination. Alexander nearly died but kept his head up high. Lafayette fought the monsters with ease.

The freshman plus herc where walking the maze, thinking of ways to escape the maze. They didnt give up.

Meanwhile the game keeper watched them intently, watching and studying, wishing that they would just escape already! He didn't want to do this, the maze. His boss told him to. That's why he made it easy, cause he didnt want you to be trapped forever. Unlike the game master. He wanted you all dead, but the keeper didn't. He wanted to protect them, so he did what any civilized person would do, trap them in a maze so they wouldn't die!

Yep very civilized.

John had a bad feeling about the maze. A really bad feeling actually. He thought thatist was more than what meets the eye and he didnt like that one bit. He noticed how the monsters died, how the center area is filled withstuff, how the medicine can heal you. All of this stuff bothers him, like the game keeper isn't the real threat. (I forgot his original name so game keeper is the one running the show, and the game master is the one I just mentiond)

You didn't think in the same way but still thought the same thoughts. You thought that the fact you guys where just randomly put in her months after the time loop. How the time loop made no sense, you wanted answers.

Maria hated it. Her friends are indanjerd and her family doesn't know where she is. She just wishes that they could go home.

Peggy didn't care, just as long as they all made it out safe. She didn't care why this was happening in all honesty.

Alexander had no comment about this, along with Lafayette and Hercules. The other schulyers are terrified.

They all just wish that things could go back to the way things where.

Your POV

I waited for them to get back. Everyone but you and peggy went to find more people, there just going ahead of you. You guys planed the routs and everything, even going in teams. John and herc would go ahead with the original plan of taking some rights then a left to try and find someone, Maria would head to the center to wait and see if anyone passes by, and you two would tack some lefts then a right. You all grabbed compasses so you wouldn't get lost. Peggy wasn't to thrilled with the whole, splitting up thing and heather where you. You didn't want to lose the friends that you knew where safe. Know your not sure if they are.

You wanted them to be at least.

You watched as peggy shook with fear. You didn't like seeing this cheer full girl he fearful, you honestly hated it.

You both walked with caution. You turned a right to hear some sobbing. Peggy looked at you with hopeful yet scared eyes. You stepped forward. You kept walking, peggy behind you, to see Eliza and Angelica sobbing. You walked closer when peggy stopped you. "There, there not real." She said quietly. "How do you know for sure?" Youasked. "Angelica never sobbes only softly cry. And Eliza never has her hair loose like that, it's always tucked somehow." She finished. You nodded understanding what she said.

You took out your sword, slowly creeping up on them. Then in a blink of an eye, you stabbed them both. Your eyes shut tightly. You opened them slowly to see a cloud of smoke where they once where. Slowly lowering you sword, you took deep breaths.

Peggy didn't really see anything. She covered her eyes before it happened.

You didn't want to kill your friends look alike but it had to be done. Then out of no where, the two figures came back, only scarier and angry. They looked as though they where form coraline. Peggy grabbed her flame thrower, and you held your sword tightly. Preparing for battle.

"You thought you would win! Well you where wrooonnnggg!!!" Eliza launched herself forward. You quickly blocked her. Angelica somehow held fire in her hand, Eliza had water. You feared the results of this battle.

YOU MUST READ THIS!!! Every one stop!! You must read this!!! Don't skip this!!! In a few chapters I will be doing a as the character chapter so I need questions for it. This will happen once I get enough questions for the characters. The questions don't need to protein to the book they could be random!! Ok on with the chapter!!!
Eliza created a water you to fight. You knew for a fact that you would tie. The water copy has the same ability as you. She ran towards peggy. You fought Eliza, killing her in one swing.

You ran towards Angelica, screaming loudly. She coverd her ears, which gave me a perfect opening to kill her. I took one swing, but before anything happened, she swung her claws at me, as a swing my sword at her. She turned to dust while I screamed in pain.

Peggy ran towards me, grabbing the backpack that we carried. She scrambled through it to find that medican that could heal me. I took it to only feel more pain. I screamed and screamed while peggy cried and cried. Soon all I saw was black.

Peggy's POV

I cried even louder once she went limp. Either she balcked out peggy!! She is alive! But if she's gonna be ok is the thing that scares me. I don't want her to die, or go through pain.

Why can't things just be okay?

Welp that's that chapter. I honestly loved it! I hoped you enjoyed and I sill Write the next one real soon!!
- Emmy❤❤❤❤

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