chapter 9

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The next morning the squad brainstormed ideas to A. Save there friends and B. Get out of here. They worked and worked. Hoping to find an answer.

Peggy's POV

We took the note that hit Maria in the face, made a makeshift pencil, and started writing ideas to get out of here. I know it's weird but what else should we do! We already tried finding an exit! I'm not sure we could go on like this!

Were running out of time, There is only a few days left and if we don't get out of here....well i'm not sure what they'll do.

"Peggy, you spaced again. Is everything alright?" I snap out of my daze by Maria's question. I nod.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." I reply. She just nodded. I saw that John and (y/n) are working together. Maria was looking at the supply's to see if we needed to head back to the middle area.

I didn't know what to do. I went over to Maria. "Hey ria. Do you need any help?" I asked her. She looked up to see my face. "Yes actually! I was gonna go to the center, would you like to come with?" I smiled. She got up and started walking towards the middle with thecompass. I carried the bag.

Your pov

I looked over to where Maria and peggy where to see that they have left. Probably to the middle. I looked back at John.

"Hey. Do you think we will ever get out of here?" He up from the paper. "Well. I have hope that we will. I'm not sure that every one else will. We haven't found them yet, and we don't even know what there doing." Her replied.

"When Maria and peggy get back we should head out to try and find them." He nodded and went back to the paper. I did the same.

Dor the next hour or so we wrote down ideas, chatted and any other thing to pass the time.

I looked up to see Maria and peggy with...... someone else?

Back to Maria and peggy when they left.

They have just left (y/n) and John.

Peggy's POV

We walked in the direction of the center area. Tripping over...... rocks? Never noticed that before.

"Maria. Did you ever notice that there are rocks in here?" She looked down. "Nope. Welp this is new." I nod.

We walked for an hour to find the center. We walked in and found they supply's we needed. I reached for a sword when I heard someone fall. I looked over to see..... herc?

I ran over towards him.

"HERC WHY ARE YOU ON THE FLOOR!?!?!" I yell while running. He looked up to see me running towards him. I stopped so I didn't trip over him.

Once he gets up of from the ground I engulf him into a hug.

After a few minutes of hugging Maria walked back into the center (she left cause she wanted to look around) and apon seeing us, she squealed and hugged us. 

After awhile we let go. "Its so great to see you herc!" I say. "Its good to see you too! I haven't seen anyone, so to find you guys is fantastic!" He replys.

"We have to head back. You wanna join us?" AskedMaria. "Who is waiting for you guys?" He asked. "(Y/n) and John." I replyed. He nodded.

We walked back to the our post.

After a long time of walking, we where finally getting closer to our post. We turned the corner to see (y/n) and John sitting on the ground writing on the piece of paper.

I decided to get there attention by clearing my throat. I saw (y/n) look up at us.

Your POV

I ran up to herc and hugged him. He hugged back. "Oh my gods, it's so good to see you!" I squeald. He chuckled. "Its good to see you too shortie!"

We let go to see John in a state of shock. He quickly hugged herc.

After a few minutes of catching up we decided to search for more life forms, and eat some food. All in all I'd say that this is a pretty good day.

Another one done!!! This book is honestly fun to write, I'm glad I decided to continue it!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this and if you did please vote(or whatever that thing is) and I will write the next chapter ASAP.

I love you guys!!


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