chapter 12

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Eliza POV

"W-What happend?"

Peggy explained to us what happend. How she fought two monsters, how she saved Peggy after slaying one, how she killed a monster as they slashed at her. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I cried, buckets of tears. I couldn't believe that she did that. WHY CANT THIS MAZE GIVE TAKE A BREAK!?!?!?!?! We only have 2 days left to get out of here, and we don't even have plan! I don't even know where laff and Alex are! Can't we have more time?

As i cried, I was looking at the ground, my eyes shut tight. I looked up to see (y/n) slowly turning to gold dust, starting at her arm. We all had looked of fear in our eyes.

Your POV

I was unconscious. All I saw was darkness. I could here sobbing, and maybe a few screams. I don't know why.

Child, what do you think your doing, staying alive.


Oh don't worry child. I am just a voice. Know, let's talk about the fact that you haven't died yet.

What do you mean? I WANNA LIVE!!!!! NOT DIE!!!

Oh chil, death is the key to freedom. If you die, the maze will be gone, and you can live a happy life once more!

But........ I don't understand! Isnt death a cheap way out of life?

Oh sweetie, you know nothing about this place. Death is only an illosion here.

So....... If I die I would be free?

Thats for you to find out.

The voice slowly faded out.


But I have to must learn on your own.....



And with that....... Thr voice was gone. I have to die in order to live? Or be free?

I walk around the dark abyss that is my mind.

I wonder whats happining out there, outside my mind.

All I can here is crying. And someone saying 'SHE COULD DIE FROM THIS AND ITS MY FAULT I DIDNT STEP IN AND HELPED HER!'

I wanted to cry if I could, this person must be dealing with alot right know. Mabye its the fact that I'm unconscious. I slowly started to give up. I didnt want to go throw torture, and if that voice was telling the truth, mabye the best thing is for me to die.

I knife apeard in front of me. I looked at it, not so sure on what to do.

I slowly grabed it. I feel like the only way out of this maze is death, strangely.

"I hope this works. If not, im screwed."

I hesitantly stuck the knife into my stomach. I couldnt feel any pain, but all I felt was........ Nothing.

I looked down to see gold dust insted of blood. Then i colapesd

Marias POV

We looked at (y/n) as she slowly turnd to gold dust. We screamed.

We saw as the last bit of her body disapeard. "Shes gone. Dead. And we couldnt save her." I said, choking on my own tears.

We cried and cried until we couldnt cry anymore.

There where puddles of tears surrounding us.

I screamed. I couldn't take it. (Y/n) is gone, and there's nothing I could do. I got up and ran. I ran for a long time. I found myself and the center area. I looked threw all the weapons to find a knif.

I knew for a long time the secret to getting out of here, but I didn't know that I did.

I took he knife. I screamed.

Gold goop poured out of me. I could feel he life pouring out of me.

I hope everyone else gets out too.

Back to our normal lifes.

Game masters POV

Two are free. Thats good. Two are alone away from the rest, and the rest tired and sobbing.

I didn't expect this to happen. I mean, its better then his idea. I looked at the screens. One showed two knocked out females. One showed the screaming friends. And another showed the last two that have no idea as to what is happining.

I walked out of the room, I just want things to go back to the way that they where. Ya know before the time loop, and before the maze. He wouldn't care. Why did I have to fall for him!? Why did this happen?

I  slammed my hand on the table.

I wish I could go back in time.


This honestly took me waaayyyy to long. I hope you enjoyed!

~ Emmy 💜❤❤💖

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