CHAPTER 6: Rosemary

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I can't believe that another wolf saved me the other day. He was really cute too.

I have grown up believing that wolves were one of our biggest enemies and threat to our kind as well as ruthless killers. However, when I met Peter, I began thinking that maybe not ALL wolves are bad. Just as not ALL witches are evil either.

He kind of weirded me out when he stopped himself from talking and then when he had the look on his face after I told him I was a witch, that made me start to get an uneasy feeling until I looked at him one last time before leaving. It was then that I looked into his eyes and could tell he was nothing like the others. He was different. He was kind and seemed gentle. He had this demeanor I can't explain but made me feel good inside.

"Rose, come out here please." My dad calls out for me as he interrupts my thoughts about Peter.

I walk out to the living room area where he's standing and waiting for me impatiently.

"Hi dad." I greet him with a smile.

"Is it true you ran into wolves today?" He asks worriedly.

"Yes." I reply not making eye contact.

"Do you have any idea the severity of what could have happened to you?!" He asks. 

"Yes, but there was another wolf that saved me." I tell him.

"Pfft. Impossible. Sweetie, they don't like our kind. And besides, what were you doing in those woods?" He asks concerned.

"I got lost while trying to take what I thought was a shortcut." I tell him feeling embarrassed because I knew better.

He lets out a breath and pinches the bridge of his nose with his fingers before saying something. 

"Stick to the original path from now on, alright?" He says.

"Okay." I promise.

I give him a hug and quickly change the subject asking him how his day was as I begin making him dinner.

"It was good." He smiles. "However, I unfortunately need to leave for a couple of months."

"Why?" I ask him.

"There has been some concerns brought up to the council recently that only I can help solve. I'm the only Warlock close enough that has the strength and power to take care of these arising issues." He explains.

"Okay." I reply sounding disappointed as I finish plating some beef stew and cornbread for him.

I hand him his bowl and plate then bring over his beer before sitting next to him at the table.

We eat dinner in an awkward silence for a moment before I ask him more about him leaving. 

"So, when do you leave?" I ask him. 

"Tomorrow." He replies as he takes his last bite. 

"Oh." I reply while moving my food around with my spoon in the bowl.

"Look sweetie, I would have you come with me but I honestly have no idea in how dangerous this is gonna be and can't put you in this amount of danger." He tells me genuinely while looking into my eyes. 

"I understand."

It's quiet for a little longer until I hear him sigh and let out another big breath. 

"Listen, if you want, I can see if the council will let me...." I stop him. 

"No. Dad, I understand that you need to leave. And you don't need to worry, I'll be okay." I assure him with a smile. "Just be careful." 

"Of course." He smiles. 

Once dinner was over, I washed the dishes and laid down in bed, saying a protection prayer for my dad and that he returns safely. 


I woke up the next morning, made breakfast for my dad before he left and right as I watched him leave, that's when it really hit me that I was gonna be here all by myself for the next couple of months. 

I haven't be alone for that long ever and wasn't exactly sure in what I was going to do. Although, I guess I could start working on some new spells my father has recently taught me. 

Although, in order for me to even begin them, I need to head back into the woods again to get a few things to help me with these spells. So I grabbed my messenger bag and started putting some bottles and jars along with my dagger, inside, then made my way out and back into the woods. 

Almost a mile inside the woods, I found a spot that always seems to have the things I need. So I cautiously start looking around to make sure no one is close by before walking towards the patch of herbs, flowers and many other things that the earth has to offer to help go with these spells. 

After collecting everything I needed and placing them in the jars and bottles, I stood up and turned around to head back to my house. 

I only walked a few steps before I had heard the snapping of a twig and rustling of leaves. It sounded like two feet, not four, so I knew it wasn't an animal. Which brought me some relief knowing it couldn't have been a wolf. 

I slowly begin taking out my dagger from my bag as I heard the footsteps getting closer behind me. 

I grip on the handle of the dagger and quickly turn around, getting ready to stab whoever is about to attack me. But I stop as soon as I see it's Peter. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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