CHAPTER 22: Peter

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My dad and a few others had to hold me back from attacking Rosemary's dad after I hear him mumble, "what have I done?!" under his breath. 

Right as soon as he said that, I got up and started running towards him but they stopped me and thank god because I might have killed him. 

Rosemary placed her hand on my shoulder and that helped calm me and my wolf down. But right now, I needed an explanation. 

So luckily my father was surprisingly more sensible than I was at this moment, so we all headed back inside and had both Sophie and Jasper sent upstairs to rest while the we called the pack doctor. 

After almost two hours and several screams later coming from both my sister and best friend from all the pain they were in, the doctor came out and said he wasn't sure if either one of them were going to make it. 

I felt the anger begin to build inside of me, causing me to clench my fists tightly and start to shake. 

"Can I try and see if I can help?" We all hear Rosemary say and we turn to look at her. 

I look at my parents as I notice my mom is wiping her tears from her eyes and then my dad looks at me and they both nod in agreement that it'll be alright. 

Rosemary looks at them and smiles as she walks past us and goes into the bedroom and sits down on the bed beside Sophie first. She takes hold of Sophie's hand as she takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes. 

After a couple of minutes, she opens her eyes and looks at Sophie with a smile and then she gets up, walks over to the other side where she kneels down on the side of the bed that Jasper's laying down at sleeping as well and takes hold of his hand and does the same as she did with Sophie. 

I'm not sure what exactly was going on but I hope it was good. Seeing as to how I noticed her smiling while looking at Jasper the same way she did with Sophie. 

She then stood up and came walking towards us. We looked at her worried and waiting for her to tell us what was going on and what she just did. 

"Both of them don't have much longer. The warlocks who attacked them seemed to have hit them with the Black Orb Curse." She tells us. 

"What is that?" I asked. 

"It's very hard to reverse but, if I have the right ingredients, I can reverse it before the curse spreads throughout the rest of their bodies." She tells us. 

"What do you need?" My mom asks. 

"I'm gonna need my bag from your room." She says while looking at me. 

So I quickly run to my room, grab her messenger bag and run quickly back to her. 

"Here." I tell her while handing her her bag. 

"Thanks. Now what I need from all of you is to have you and your parents inside the room, with the door shut and to stand around the bed as I do this for them both and do exactly as I say." She tells us. 

"Rosemary, you can't do this." Her dad says. 

"Yes, I do. They are gonna be my family soon and it's because of you that those two are close to dying." She tells him while grabbing the bag. 

I scowl at him and then tell him to wait right here for us and not to move before following my parents and Rosemary into the room and shutting the door behind me. 

She first walks over to Sophie's side and kneels down beside her, taking hold of her hand and removes an amethyst crystal. Then she takes out a small bottle and puts a few drops onto the crystal before squeezing it tightly into her hand. 

"Should we hold hands?" I asked. 

"No. I want you all to close your eyes and think of the greatest moment you've all had with her. I need for you all to think about that and play it through your minds throughout this entire process, until I have you stop. The point is for you all to send your energy and love to her to help her fight more to live. Then we'll do the same for Jasper. Alright?" She asks us. 

We nod in agreement. 

"Yes." I tell her. 

"Alright. Let's start." She says. Then the next thing we hear is her chanting, "Bright light, shining light, heal her hurts with all thy might." She repeated that chant for a couple of more minutes while we did as she had said. 

Then she goes and does the same thing with Jasper and has us think of moments we had with him. The moment she is finished, she looks really tired and drained. So as she struggles to stand, I walk up and catch her before she falls back onto the ground. 

"I got you baby." I assure her as I help her up. 

"Thank you. Now, we must let them rest and in the morning, they should be okay." She says. 

"Are you okay?" I asked her feeling concerned. 

"Yeah. I just need to get rid of this stone and then i'll just need to sleep." She tells me. 

I grab her bag and then we open up the door and her father is gone. 

"Where the hell is he?" I asked furious. 

"I don't know, but, it's okay. We'll find him." My dad assures me placing his hand on my shoulder. "Go take care of your girl." He smiles at me. 

"Alright." I tell him and then I pick her up bridal style and carry her into our room where we she instantly falls asleep in my arms. 

Whatever she did I am grateful for but if it takes a toll on her like this, I don't want her to do it again. I can't risk her doing anything that could hurt her, or worse. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)   I know I said that I might do another chapter today, but to be honest, I really have to think about it cause the idea I had for it before, I decided that I'm gonna do it differently. So, if it's not posted tonight, it will be tomorrow after I wake up. However, I was able to post two chapters to this story, the Mate's Forever!? story and the Danger.....Curves Ahead!!. :) Hope you enjoy those. :)

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