CHAPTER 7: Peter

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When I was finished with all of my Alpha duties, I had decided to go for a run in the woods before coming home and getting ready for the party tonight that I was taking my sister to. 

Deep down inside, I had hoped that I would run into Rosemary again. I really liked the fact that she was my mate and the way she made me feel. 

So I went running for about an hour before taking a rest and waiting for another hour before I realized she wasn't coming. However, the moment I got up, I heard a rustling sound and when I started walking towards the noise, I saw Rosemary, knelt down on her knees, picking things from off the ground and putting them in bottles and putting them in her messenger bag. 

My wolf and I are more than excited to see our mate again. But, I have to shift into my human form before going up to her. 

After shifting and getting dressed, I started walking slowly up behind her and had hoped that she would turn around and smile once she saw it was me. But as I steeped closer, she quickly turned around and was only an inch away from stabbing my in my eye with her dagger. 

"Oh my god." She says surprised as she see's it's me. 

"Damn, if you don't want to ever see me again, fine, but don't try and kill me." I tease her. 

"I'm so sorry." She right away begins apologizing. 

"It's okay. I understand." I assure her with a smile. 

"Are you stalking me now?" She chuckles to herself. 

"Maybe." I tease her raising an eyebrow. 

She begins blushing and biting her lower lip nervously. 

"So what are you really doing?" she asks me. 

"I was going for a run." I answer. 

"Oh..." She replies. 

"What about you? What are you doing? Gathering things for a spell?" I ask. 

"Yes actually." She replies proudly. 

"What spell? Is it on me?" I wiggle my eyebrows. 

"Somebody's really full of themselves." She comments. 

We look at each other for a brief moment, smiling before I break the silence. 

"Where you headed off to?" I asked trying to make conversation. 

"I was heading home." She replies. 

"Would you like some company?" 

"Okay." She smiles. 

I then offer to carry her bag as we begin walking. 

When we got to her place, I couldn't help but admire at how 1800's it looked. Which I have always liked victorian houses and cottages. 

It crouched low into the grassy embankment, as though it were trying to hide, but the misshapen slate roof was too large to go unnoticed. Through the darkness she could see the coarse, unevenly sized, grey stones that made up the walls. As we got closer, the occasional flash of color - some blues, others green or brown- emerged from the grey stones that looked like eyes trying to steal a glimpse of the world.

"You okay there, Alpha?" She asked, snapping me back to the present. 

"Yeah." I reply. 

"Well come on in." She chuckles while stepping inside. 

Once I walked in it was like something from a book with a fire going and it looked as though nothing has changed since the 1800's. Definitely a bit cliche for what a witch would live in. 

As I set the bag down onto the small round table, I continue to take a look around. 

"Would you like something to drink?" She asks from the kitchen. 

"Yeah. Thanks. Whatever you're having." I reply while looking at a picture of her as a little girl, smiling along with the woman next to her whom I'm assuming is her mother. 

"That's my mother." I hear her beside me. 

She hands me the drink and I thank her before looking back at the picture. 

"You look a lot like her." I compliment. 

"Yeah. My father tells me that all the time. She was amazing." She says before walking over towards the small worn out couch. 

"Do you mind if I ask where she is?" I immediately regret asking as I see her take a drink from her soda. 

I sit down next to her and feel bad for ever mentioning it. 

"She was attacked by a group of wolves." She blurts out. 

"Rogues?" I ask.

"Worse. Hybrids." She replies. 

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." I quickly offer my apologies. 

"It doesn't matter. It was a long time ago." She tries brushing it off and changing the subject. "So what about your parents?" She asks me. 

"What about them?" I asked her. 

"Well, is their story true?" 

"What do you mean?"

"About how they met?" 

"Yeah. Total romantic cliche story." I chuckle before taking a drink. 

"And what's wrong with that?" She asks with seriousness. 

"Nothing." I replied feeling a little uncomfortable. 

"You know, I don't know why but, you're the first wolf I've been around that I didn't feel afraid of." I hear her say. 

I smile at her and want so badly to take hold of her hand and feel her fingers interlace with mine, but I can't scare her. I especially can't tell her she's my mate. 

"Thanks." Is all I reply. 

Oh my god, really? 'Thanks'? That was a terrible reply. 

We both share a brief moment of awkward silence before I get mind-linked by Kobey asking if I'm on my way home to get ready to take Sophie to the party. I tell him I will be there soon and not really thinking about it before saying anything, I take in a deep breath and let it out as I just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. 

"Would you like to go to a party with me tonight?" 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Hmmm.....Wonder if she will go with him or not. 

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