info + requests {CLOSED}

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big brother is one of my favorite shows, so i decided to create an imagine book for it.

it will be houseguests x reader except with requests, and i'll do any houseguest from seasons 16, 17, 18, 19, and/or 20.

this is my first imagine book, so i'm not sure how this is gonna turn out. i hope you all enjoy!


please fill out the following either in the comments or messaged to me! i will try to do them as fast as i can!

name (can be your name or you can just put reader)
relationship to houseguest
major plot point(s) you want to happen

example of filled out
name: reader (y/n)
season: 20
houseguest: tyler
relationship: showmance
major plot points: tyler gets jealous when brett flirts with you, gets in a fight with brett over it

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