faysal x reader

807 13 3

your pov

walking into the backyard, you immediately regretted it. there, on the couches, was kaitlyn hugging up to fess. you get that she didn't know about your budding showmance with him, but wasn't she supposed to have a boyfriend? it made it even worse knowing you've seen her do the same thing to tyler, and she was starting to do it to brett as well.

you and fess have had a flirtmance since week one, and while you haven't furthered your relationship, everyone in the house knows you two like each other. the only reason you won't get in a showmance with him is because you don't want the target on your back — and slightly because he lets kaitlyn do what she does.

you had just about had it, so you walked over to where brett was working out and decided to do a little harmless flirting. brett quickly followed suit, clearly noticing kaitlyn's obnoxious laughing coming from the other side of the backyard.

you were watching him workout, and he spotted you while you lifted weights. you decided to take a few notes from kaitlyn's book and obnoxiously laugh at something dumb brett had said. you looked over at fessy, and saw him pushing kaitlyn off of him, so he could storm inside.

satisfied with your attempt to make fessy jealous, you winked at brett, thanked him, and went inside. you immediately saw fessy in the kitchen and quickly turned to walk towards the bathroom.

you walked into the bathroom, and started to get ready to take a shower. you were grabbing your stuff from your cupboard when you felt arms wrap around your waist.

"why did you do that?" he sounded pretty angry, and his grip around you tensed up.

"do what?" you turned around and looked at him with an innocent face

"you know what you did. why did you go and flirt with him??" he was raising his voice, and you didn't need people hearing this conversation.

"you need to calm down!" you said pulling him into the geometry room. "i was barely doing anything. it's not like we're a couple!" you whisper yelled to him. he was taken aback, but he realized you were right. the two of you hadn't defined what your relationship was.

"and besides, you do it all the time with kaitlyn. i wasn't doing anything different."

"kaitlyn? (y/n), i don't like her like i like you. you know that."

"how? how do i know? we aren't a couple fess. why should i know that you don't like her. you won't make a move, so i figured you were uninterested." you shrugged knowing this would annoy him. you loved making fessy jealous.

"would you stop this act please. you know i want to ask you out, and be in a showmance, but all you keep telling me is how you don't want the threat of a showmance... what do you expect me to do?" you could clearly see the confusion and sadness in his eyes. you realized you had took it too far.

"i'm sorry. i didn't mean any of it. i made brett play along, i was just annoyed because i'm sick and tired of seeing kaitlyn hang all over you. i can't stand her, and her being all over you" you looked down and started fiddling you thumbs. "is there any way we could do a showmance in secret?"

"of course, anything to be with you."

"ok... but you have to promise you won't let her hang on you as much. i know we are going to be keeping it secret, but it still annoys the shit out of me." you roll your eyes just thinking about it.

"i promise." he lifted your chin up and gently kissed you. you wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. the two of you hadn't realized how long you two had been sitting there making out until you heard angela yell, "hey guys! it's time to pick players for the veto competition!"

the two of you pulled away and sat there in silence for a few seconds.


"yeah.. woah" you giggled as you walked out of the room and towards the living room.

hey! here's another one for today because i got the one for yesterday up so late. i hope y'all enjoy it!

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