winston x brooke {request}

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requested by: @brookie2105

you were laying in the hammock in the backyard with tyler and brett on either side of you. the three of you had been talking strategy, which was nothing out of the ordinary. you often ha these talks with them because they were in your alliance along with kaycee, angela, rachel, and winston. however, your favorite person in your alliance, and the house, was winston.

the two of you had hit it off day one and soon became best friends. personally, you had feelings for him, but you were unsure if he had the same ones. you weren't a very flirty person, but tyler and brett sure were. the two flirted with you all of the time, and you didn't really mind it.

winston, however, did mind it.

you saw the look of anger on his face as he neared the three of you in the hammock. while tyler and brett hadn't been flirting with you in the moment, you had said something funny, and all three of you had erupted with laughter. winston came over and asked if he could talk to brett alone. you weren't that confused, the hung out all of the time. they were 'the bros' after all.

you stayed where you were, laying with tyler. you were in a comfortable silence until he finally spoke up.

"so are you and winston like a thing yet?" you were taken aback. you didn't think anyone could tell that you liked him.

"um no, he doesn't like me like that. and frankly, neither do i..." tyler gave a 'are you serious' look.

"don't lie, it's obvious you two like each other."

"you really think he likes me?" tyler laughed a your eagerness.

"no, i don't think, i know. i'm not supposed to tell you this, but he told me he likes you. he asked brett and i to back off because i guess we were flirting with you too much." he rolled his eyes as you giggled.

"well, thank you for telling me this." you smiled at him and gave him a quick hug before going inside to find winston.

after looking everywhere else, you made your way to the bedrooms. you stopped at the have-not room door when you heard faint yelling.

"ok, well please just stop. you know i like her, and it doesn't help when you and tyler just sit there and flirt with her 24/7." you recognized the voice as it belonged to winston.

"ok, chill. i wasn't flirting. neither was tyler. you're just worked up. you gotta calm down bro." brett tried to apologize, but winston was quick to shut him down.

"just leave me alone for a second. i'm mad at you."

you heard shuffling coming towards the door, and you quickly walked into the pink room. you hid on the floor behind the beds and waited for brett to walk into the living room. once he was gone, you went into the have-not room.

"brett i said go aw- oh, hi brooke." he smiled as soon as he saw you. "how are you."

"i'm fine." you smiled back as you walked towards him. "can i ask you something?"

"of course, anything." he grabbed your waist and pulled you down next to him.

"do you like me? like, like-like me." you could tell by his expression that he was shocked.

"umm, why would you think that?"

"don't do that winston, i know you like me." you smirked.

"and how would you know this information?"

"a little birdie told me... but it's ok because guess what?"

"what?" he rolled his eyes thinking about how either brett or tyler had told you.

"i like you too." before he could say a word, you put your lips on his. he was surprised at first, but he quickly kissed back. 

"i'm glad tyler told me." you said after pulling away.

"TYLER? oh, i'm gonna kick his ass." winston starts to get up, but you pull him back down.

"don't you dare, it obviously was a good thing." you quickly kissed him again before he got the chance to leave.

hi!! i'm so sorry for not posting very much, i'm gonna try, but i just started my college class so it's really difficult. i hope you liked it brooke! i try my best with requests, but it's hard for me to know exactly what the person wants.

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