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wow, it has been a while, and i am extremely sorry for that. i know that i have requests that i did not finish, and i am so sorry.

once school started i got so so busy, and i lot of stuff in my personal like went on.

while that is no excuse, I am going to, unfortunately, stop updating on this book until further notice. knowing me i'll fall back in love with writing big brother stories next summer while watching again, but during the school year, i'm just too busy.

again i am so sorry, and i hope you all understand. thank you so so much for everyone who has read and voted on this story, i got so many more requests and so many more reads that i could have ever hoped for (4k reads that is so crazy thanks so much y'all seriously!!)

until next summer! 💓

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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