Stiles Stilinski

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You sat in the back of Sheriff Stilinski's patrol car, handcuffs almost cutting off your blood circulation

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You sat in the back of Sheriff Stilinski's patrol car, handcuffs almost cutting off your blood circulation.
The car door opened and you were expecting to be whisked away down to the station where you'd probably get done for trespassing and assault but instead Stiles Stilinski clumsily fell into the drivers seat looking back at you.

"Y/n?"he asked surprised.

"Stiles Stilinski you little shit"you hissed at him.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here, especially in cuffs"he continued to blabber on, a hint of amusement evident in his voice.

"You think I planned this?!"you rolled your eyes.

"What happened?"he asked sympathetically.
You bit your lip, debating whether to expose yourself or not.

"I-I was walking my dog with Lydia and Allison, and I saw you and Scott entering the woods going towards the Hale house"you began to tell your story.

"A-and I saw that you got split up from Scott, at first I was going to just leave it because you're a teenager now and you ca-

"I can defend myself right"he interrupted you, a cocky grin appeared on his face. He was happy because you thought that he was a strong independent man.

"That's not what I was going to say but let me carry on with the story before your father takes me to jail"You furrowed your eyebrows at the goofy boy that sat in front of you.

"Go ahead"Stiles sighed.

"Anyways, as I was saying I saw you walking alone towards the Hale house but just as I was about to leave I saw Derek Hale walking behind you, following you. I told Lydia and Allison to take my puppy home so that I could follow you t-

"So you were stalking me?"Stiles smirked.

"No! Maybe- Okay technically it was stalking but let me finish the story!"You exclaimed, if Stiles kept interrupting the story you were almost certain you would be charged with two accounts of assault in the same day.

"So I saw Derek Hale following you and you were getting closer to the Hale house so I was convinced that he would kidnap you or something so when you found the grave I was trying to keep Derek distracted so he wouldn't kill you"you let out a sigh of relief after telling the story.

"That still doesn't explain why your in cuffs, I mean trespassing is normally let off with a warning if it's your first offence"Stiles narrowed his eyes at you.

"I may have punched him in the throat"you mumbled.

"Why?!"Stiles exclaimed almost screamed.

"He tried to drag me away by my shirt!"You protested.

"So you got into all of this trouble, just to protect me? You punched THE Derek Hale in the throat for me?"Stilinski's eyes met yours, he was so gentle with you.

As he processed the situation a small smile made its way onto his face showing off his dimples. Butterflies filled his stomach when he realised you'd put yourself in danger just so he could stay safe. Not many people would do that for him.

"No, I wouldn't say protect because I honestly don't care that much I would say it was more of an adventure for myself and I've always wanted to be arrested-"You rambled on, trying to cover up the fact that you'd had a massive crush on Stiles ever since kindergarten.

You didn't know what you would do if he'd gotten hurt.

"I really appreciate it, you really did save my ass because I'm pretty sure if Derek caught me I would be in that grave and this was all down to my girl"Stiles eyes twinkled as he spoke to you.

"It's nothing, honestly"you blushed.
Suddenly Stiles' eyes hardened.

"Don't ever do that again, you could have gotten seriously hurt!"he shook his head at you.

There was a moment of silence before your eyes met his again, the tension lingered there for a second before you sent him an award winning smile causing his heart to melt.

Stiles knew from that day things were different between the two of you, and he couldn't get enough of that award winning smile.

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