Liam Dunbar

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"Y/n you can't sit there all day"Liam said as he stood at your bedroom door, he walked over and sat down on the window seat next to you

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"Y/n you can't sit there all day"Liam said as he stood at your bedroom door, he walked over and sat down on the window seat next to you.

Liam hesitated before reaching up and giving your shoulder a quick squeeze.

It was awkward between the both of you now that he was dating Hayden, you had been bestfriends and now you were hardly even friends, just strangers in the same pack.

Before he would wrap his arms around your body and hold you for hours where as now he was too scared to even look at you.

You didn't know why he was trying to make you feel better, the whole pack had tried. In fact Stiles, Lydia and Scott had been in your room seconds before Liam turned up attempting to pull you out of your catatonic state. The difference was they cared, Liam was just there on duty you felt like this was a chore for him.

The window seat in your room had been kept warm for days now, you hadn't left that space. Always watching out of the window for them to return, your parents.

You were an only child and you had gotten wrapped up in the supernatural, they had sacrificed their own freedom, their lives so that you could live out your years happy and safe.

Deep down you knew that you would never see them again, but a part of you wanted to wait just in case they decided to walk through those gates.

Your house was awful dull and dark without your parents, you were alone.

"Y/n, I said you can't sit here all day"Liam snapped you out of your thoughts.

You ignored his plea, just like he'd ignored you when he was with Hayden. You could hear him swearing, he angrily pushed himself up from the seat. Raging out on the furniture in your room.

Tears fell down your face as you listened to the sounds of Liam's cries. You just didn't care anymore.
Liam rushed towards you, grabbing your face and turning it so that your eyes were align.

His breathing stopped for a minute as he inspected your tired and red eyes.

"I said you can't sit here all day, it's unhealthy"he spoke gently, his own lips trembling as he thought about your parents and how he'd grown up around them.

His tears nearly overtook yours as he thought about how hurt and lonely you had been in that house. The guilt consumed him.

"I can't- I can't sit around and watch you like this, you aren't staying here alone you're starting to scare me"his thumb brushed over your cheeks, warming them slightly.

"So now you know what's best for me?"you asked, this was the first time you'd spoken in days. Your voice was shaky.

"This isn't good for you, you're going to get sick have you even eaten?!"Liam didn't try and hold back his tears anymore, you both sat opposite each other sobbing. His fingers still tracing the features of your face.

"You aren't good for me but here we are"you whispered.

"No don't say that, we are-we are good for each other"Liam shook his head violently.

"Visiting hours are over, you can go now"you mumbled before looking back out of the window.

Liam's hands dropped from your face, leaving you cold.

"No- no I'm not leaving without you, you're coming to stay with me"he decided as he pulled out your suitcase from underneath your bed, he stuffed the contents of your wardrobe in it. Zipping it up quickly and placing it by the door.

He ran over to you again and sat back where he was.

"Y/n come on let's go home"He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"Why, you didn't care about me before so why now? What because you feel like you have to play your part. The whole pack is there for y/n so you have to look like you actually care. News flash Liam I don't need you anymore!"you hissed back.

"BUT I NEED YOU!!"he shouted.

The room fell silent and your breathing was now in sync with Liam's.

"I need you"he repeated much quieter than before.

"Y/n, all I've wanted to do is hold you. I feel sick not being around you I thought that being with Hayden would make my choice easier and it did.

I choose you I've always chosen you I didn't want to admit that I'd fallen in love with my best friend but I am now I'm admitting it. I love you y/n"Liam confessed, he stumbled on his words.

At this point your tears had dried.

"I love you too"you whispered before leaning forward and resting your head on his chest.

"Will you come home with me?"Liam asked as his arms wrapped around you.

You nodded slowly.

You weren't alone anymore.

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