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You and the pack were sat on the beach, watching the sun set. You had been sat on the beach for the whole day.
Running away from the tide every 10 minutes and falling to the ground laughing because Stiles would get drenched.
It had been a tough couple of months for you and your friends, but that's just it; those experiences brought you together and you were now a family.
Allison and Scott were huddled in the corner, Lydia was attempting to get the sand out of her hair whilst Stiles gazed at her from afar.
You were about to take a sip from your orange juice when Isaac Lahey sat down next to you.
"Hi"he smiled.
You looked up at him, his blonde curly hair blew gently in the wind and the sun made his eyes glisten.
"Hey"you smiled up at Isaac.
3 hours after Isaac had joined you the sun had set properly and the stars were shining above, you just spoke about everything and anything.
You were comfortable with Isaac and he was comfortable with you.
Ever since he'd moved in with Scott the two of you had spent a lot of time together, at pack meetings, pack sleepovers, at school. You and Isaac even met up and went roaming through the woods... just the two of you.
Allison, Lydia, Scott and Stiles started to pack up their things.
"You two coming inside it's getting cold and dark?"Scott asked pointing to Lydia's beach house.
You looked at him for mental confirmation, he nodded when he realized what you were thinking.
"No it's okay, we're gonna stay out for a little longer and light the fire"Isaac answered for you.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do y/n"your best friend Stiles pointed at you. He gave Isaac a warning glare before stumbling after Lydia.
"Has he always been like that?"Isaac asked.
"Always has been always will be"you said proudly as Isaac shuffled towards you. Wrapping a blanket around both your shoulders.
"Thankyou Isaac"you grinnned.
"Can you promise me something?"He questioned.
"Go for it"you answered,still watching the crashing waves.
"Promise you won't just leave me if I mess this up, you're the only stable thing in my life right now, sometimes I don't know whether I'm coming or going but with you none of that matters"he confessed, biting his nails.
"I'll always be here Isaac, even when you get sick of me I'll be right next to you I promise. I pinkie promise"you said seriously holding out your pinky.
He took one look at your pinky finger.
"We're doing that now are we?"he grinned.
He wrapped his pinky around yours.
"We certainly are"you smiled with a nod. Isaac's widened suddenly.
"Oh y/n I didn't tell you?!"Isaac nearly jumped up onto his feet.
"Tell me what?"you asked curiously.
"I brought a dog back to life today at the clinic and it felt amazing. I finally did something good with my abilities"Isaac explained happily.
"Do you know what, we should celebrate, you deserve to be celebrated"you told him before grabbing two flasks of hot cocoa.
Isaac watched you as you poured him a cup of hot cocoa, no one had ever celebrated him before. You taught him that he mattered, that he wasn't invisible; you taught him that he wasn't alone and he loved you for it.