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The eerie darkness of that night would never escape your memory.
You clearly remember the pitch-black curtain draped over the sky, and the twisted, warped shapes that the stars made against the blackness.
The milky speckles twirled and danced along the sky in various patterns. Living in the city, you never got to see these beautiful blinking fairy lights in the night sky.
A friend once told you, they look like fireflies only they burn brighter against the glowing black satin behind layers and layers of serene clouds above your heads.
That night was ordinary and boring, you couldn't see the stars. At first.
Climbing out of your bedroom window had never been a problem, you had been doing it for as long as you could remember.
You knew exactly where to step, where to climb and where to jump. It came naturally to you.
You leapt gracefully over to your neighbours bedroom window, directly opposite yours. You didn't even need to use your trusty hair grip to pick the lock as the window was already open.
You cursed to yourself because you'd previously warned him so many times about the consequences of leaving his window open in Beacon Hills.
Stiles Stilinski lay peacefully on his bed, he let the breeze from the window hit his skin as he slept. He dreamt of the past.
You admired him for a second, watching as his slightly built chest rose up and down. His hair branched out in different directions, a lazy smirk placed on his face.
You'd be lying if you said he didn't grow up beautifully.
You admired him for a second, before rolling your eyes. Remembering that he was a deep sleeper.
You walked over to him slowly. Poking his face with your index finger.
"Stiles"you whispered.
You got nothing.
"Psssst, Stilinski"you jabbed at his face once again, this time with a bit more force.
The only response you got was a small but noticeable snore that left his mouth.
You face palmed, and then exhaled rather loudly hoping that it would wake him up.
"Oh dear, this is going to be stressful"you mumbled to yourself as you walked over to his sofa bed. You dropped yourself into the seat.
2 hours had gone by and Stiles was still asleep. You were fumbling around with a piece of scrunched up paper when a lightbulb appeared above your head. Theoretically.
You reached over and grabbed a pot of his hair gel emptying the whole of it into the paper. You had to get this right otherwise Stiles would just be left with a very sticky face and you'd be left alone for the whole night.
Crouching down on his sofa bed you aimed carefully, throwing the paper gel ball straight. It went hurling towards his almost angelic face. Smacking him straight in the middle.
You flinched when you heard the impact, standing up to observe your work. Now the moment of truth. Did it wake him up?
You stood at the foot of his bed, arms crossed tight to your chest.
He brought his hand up to his face, rubbing his gel covered nose.
Stiles let out a confused and sleepy groan before sitting up. When he saw the black figure at the end of his bed he jumped out of his skin.
"Oh, did I scare you big boy?"you tried so hard not to burst out into fits of laughter.
Stiles' heart slowed when he recognised your voice, a second later his heart sped up again because it was a voice he'd longed to hear for months.
"Y/n?"he called out as he stepped off of his bed.
"Hello Stiles"you smiled, a warm feeling in your stomach.
"H-how Long have you been standing there for?"he asked confused.
You looked down at your wrist.
"Around 2 hours and 35 minutes"you explained.
"Y/N you're not wearing a watch"Stiles replied awkwardly.
You rolled your eyes again. "There's no harm in pretending I mean everyone in this stupid town does it, they pretend they don't see things"you answered.
Stiles stared at you, his mouth open. "Stop looking at me like that"you shook your head.
"Wait what are you doing here? It's like midnight"Stiles asked worriedly.
You shuffled from one foot to another.
"I need to borrow Roscoe, your jeep"you stated. Stiles smiled, he was surprised that you remembered Roscoe.
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"Why?"he raised one of his eyebrows.
"I have a list of things to do tonight and I need a getaway car"you replied briefly.
"Okay"he nodded.
"Wait so you don't have anymore questions?"you were shocked.
"Nope"he shook his head.
"I like that"you were Impressed.
"Wait okay I do have one question, are you in trouble. Because I can get Scott and Lydia and-"he asked seriously.
"Oh god no, it's not me that's in trouble"you laughed.
Stiles nodded again, as he hesitantly held out his keys for the jeep.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm giving you the keys"Stiles screwed up his face as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"No you're coming with me"you exhaled.
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