The needing evil

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Hello every Marauder fan who decided to click on this story, I'm very honoured and hope you will stick with me until the very end.

English isn't my native language, though I hope you will see past that. I'm doing my best.

I have been wanting to write this story in about forever, I have been having headcanons and ideas, and now I finally write it all down. I can't wait to see what you think of it!


DISCLAIMER I'm only a fan who finds these guys very interesting, so basically all the characters you find, and many of the plots belong to JK Rowling.








Stories can be seen from different views and angles. They are seen differently from different people. There are good stories and bad stories. Love stories and stories about love.

"Remus?" his mom asked, she stood in the door. Hope Lupin was a short woman with tawny hair like her son, though hers is closer to red where her son is closer to brown. Freckles decorated them both, on the chins, over the nose and many on the shoulders as well. Green/yellow eyes met blue ones as they looked at each other.

Stories affect us all differently. Matters on what we have experienced ourselves. A story about someone dying will affect those who have lost their loved ones much more than some who haven't.

"It's time" her voice cracked. Remus closed his book (Hogwarts a history) and stared out of the window. Behind the trees, he could see the last bits of orange slowly disappearing with the sun. The sky turned blue, purple and even the clouds were coloured.

These stories are all made up. An author makes it up and writes it down for others to enjoy. Then someone makes it into a book. But not all stories are made up. Some of them contain hard, cold facts. Some of them are based on things that have happened.

Remus Lupin looked up at his mother with begging eyes "Just one more chapter, I'm done soon, I promise" he hated what was about to happen and wanted to stay away for as long as possible. Forever really, but his wish will never come true.

Some stories are called articles. A journalist goes out in the big wide world, experience something, writes it down, for others to read in the newspaper. A good way of spreading news.

"I'm sorry, you have to go now" her voice was only a whisper, she hated it as much as her son. Six years and neither of them had gotten used to it. This is something you will never get used to, something you will just have to live with because there is nothing else you can do.

In most stories, there is a problem, a conflict. It creates the whole story; no conflict, no story.

The tiny boy groaned. Why did it have to be him of all people? Why did the universe hate him so much? Slowly he stood up and carefully place his book on the shelf. If he could just skip it once in a while.

The conflict can come from a person or the outer world. The person conflict is when the lead character has a problem with themselves, they must act. The outer world conflict is when the outer world forces the lead role to act.

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