More chocolate eating

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Last time: Sirius promises Remus that he will help him with the spells and potions he struggles with, plus taking notes for him. James tries out for the Quidditch team and sadly doesn't make it, but he becomes Reserve and will, therefore, have a greater chance of joining next year.








They had only just finished dinner and Remus was already eating chocolate. The others paid no mind - this was normal behaviour after all. James was filled with energy and just wanted some way to use it all, but he knew Remus was tired and therefore just jumped on his bed. Sirius had joined him, and Peter as well.

Out of breath and sweaty the boys let themselves fall on the bed, only interrupted by Remus.

"Sirius?" He seemed almost ashamed. "Do you think you can help me now?"

"Sure." Sirius was quickly on his feet. "But do you think it's a good idea if you're tired, perhaps we should wait." Remus reached for his sleeve. "Then we can also begin your Accio lessons at the same time," he quickly added.

Remus smiled wryly, remembering his grand plans of summoning chocolate between classes. "Yeah, that sounds great."

"What should we do now then?" James asked. "Wanna play Chess or Exploding Snap?"

They spend the rest of the afternoon playing cards, laughing and having fun. Remus took an hour-long nap before supper, which made him feel just a little better. He brought his cloak to the Great Hall so he could go straight to the Hospital Wing. The others were under the impression he took the floo from there.

Sirius hugged Remus goodbye (he still never missed an opportunity, and now he wouldn't be able to hug Remus for an entire day). James and Peter also joined in. Remus sighed happily, it was moments like these he both loved and hated at the same time.

Loved because they cared enough about him to hug him. Hated because if they knew what he truly was, they wouldn't.

"Take care," James said.

"Of course. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." Remus narrowed his eyes between them.

"Pfft. As if we would ever do something like that," Sirius smiled.

Remus simply rolled his eyes and the others finally left. And then he was alone. He walked to his private bed and took out the book he kept in the drawer. It was a children's book, but when the pain was so awful, he couldn't think straight, it was nice that he could read at least something.

He flicked through the pages, not reading anything, but just letting time pass. Finally, a few minutes after curfew Madam Pomfrey arrived and they both walked towards the Whomping Willow. She needed to come with him to make sure all the protection spells were still working correctly.

But when they entered the room and she had double-checked, she didn't leave.

"Are you alright? Minerva mentioned your friends talked to her."

His eyes glued to the ground and he fiddled with his sleeve. "I'm fine, I guess."

"If you want to, you can talk to me or her about all of it." She seemed genuine.

"It's fine," he lied. Honestly, it would be nice to talk to someone, but he wasn't ready to let anyone know how he was truly feeling.

She left without another word. He quickly undressed and shivered as a cold wind came through one of the cracks. Not even the spells could keep the weather out. Remus locked his clothes in the wardrobe and hid under the covers.

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