Pretty ironic

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Last time: Peter and Remus are finally reunited. James and Sirius pull their prank, Remus decides to turn them in. Sirius and James get back at him by attacking him in the middle of an empty corridor.

Sirius had to admit it, his and James second prank wasn't the best one. The idea of targeting the whole school wasn't bad, quite good actually. It was the potion.

It was perfectly brewed and everything, but they should have used a different potion. The few students who had actually been drinking it before everyone quickly found out about it, had taken so little that they woke up after only ten minutes. It hadn't caused as much chaos and mayhem as the two pranksters had hoped.

It had been... boring, Sirius couldn't wait for them to learn more potions and more spells they could use for pranks.

James was a better friend than Sirius could ever dream of. He loved pranks, just like Sirius, and he supported Sirius when Lupin had said he was a bad friend. Sirius didn't know if he was a bad friend or not, how do you know if you're a bad friend or not?

To find out Sirius used a lot of time to study older students, saw how they did it. It didn't help much though, they mostly just hang out. He didn't have too much to worry about though, James had just like himself been home-schooled before Hogwarts. So, Sirius was James's first friend too.

After Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration, a while before Astronomy. They had been called into professor McGonagall's office.

"I know you two put Sleeping Draught in the pumpkin juice this morning." It was the first thing she had said, they had barely even sat down before she had said it. None of them had been prepared for this, the look on their faces exposed them.

Before they could defense themselves, she began talking again. "You will receive detention on Saturday with Mr. Filch, be outside his office at six in the morning."

The two boys stared at each other, at six in the morning?! That was way too early for anything to be awake! Again, before they could not get a word in edgeways, she said, "Now you can go out, if you're not there you will receive several punishments." They left without a word.

"What crawled up in her butthole and died?" James asked when they were in a safe distance from her office.

"I bet Lupin told about us." Sirius said.

James thought about it. "I think you're right, he probably got back at us for what happened last night and at lunch" at lunch earlier that day they had confronted their dorm-mates, just so they knew who got to boss who. Also, the two boys had seen Lupin go to her office earlier that day. "Maybe we shouldn't have been so harsh on them."

"Maybe" Sirius agreed, "But we are not going to let him get away with it, are we?" he asked a little unsure.

"Of course not!" James exclaimed as it was obvious, Sirius immediately relaxed. "We have to catch him when he's alone, then we'll have the best chance." Sirius agreed on this.

They didn't have to wait too long, right before Astronomy Lupin was walking alone in an empty corridor.

He was half running, but in the middle of it he suddenly stopped, neither Sirius or James dared to move, so they stood still and stared at him under the invisibly cloak.

James whispered the levitation charm, Lupin's bag was levitated into the air, he tried to catch it, but James just levitated it higher. Sirius had to bite his lip so he wouldn't laugh and expose them.

Lupin's bag opened and all it's content fell out. Quills, books and parchment fell out of it. One of his ink bottles crashed on his head so his hair got black, the other one fell to the ground, there was ink everywhere.

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