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DISCLAIMER JK Rowling owes the wizarding world of Harry Potter

Last time: the four boys are back at Hogwarts so naturally the first thing they do is plan a prank. James, Sirius and Peter are worried about someone hurting Remus. Remus is worried about their new Professor who apparently doesn't like werewolves.








Sirius was sitting alone in the library very late because he had gotten an owl that morning. It wasn't a black owl like the ones he usually received from his brother. He had borrowed James' invisibility cloak just in case it was a trick from any slimy Slytherins.

Though Sirius was relieved when Regulus walked over to the corner, he had asked Sirius to meet him at. Sirius took off the cloak and sat down next to his brother without a word. He could feel Regulus' intense stare.

"How long are you gonna keep ignoring me?" his little brother finally asked.

"Until you say sorry" Sirius demanded.

Regulus sighed. "Sorry."

"You don't mean it" Sirius stated firmly and crossed his arms.

"You didn't tell me to mean it" Regulus fired back. They were both silent, Sirius was too stubborn to talk to his brother after what he did - or didn't do. Brothers are always supposed to be there for each other, he is the friend who will never leave you. "Please Sirius. I missed you when you were with Potter, and it hurt when you didn't reply to my letter."

"Oh," Sirius exclaimed offended. "Did it hurt when I ignored your letter? I'm so sorry, it's probably so much worse than Cruciatus Curse!" he hissed. Regulus bit his lip, but Sirius ignored it. If his brother wasn't here to apologize, then he didn't want to be here either. He raised himself.

"No please! Don't go!" Regulus pleaded.

"Then apologize" he exclaimed.

Regulus bit his lip but didn't answer. Sirius decided he couldn't deal with this. They used to be such great friends, but now everything was ruined.

"If you change your mind, you know where to find me," he said in a controlled voice and quickly turned around before Regulus could see the tears. When had he become such a softie? He wiped away the few tears that had escaped and quickly walked back to the Gryffindor common room and then his dorm.

Only Remus was awake. Peter was snoring loudly while James was snoring lightly. Remus was sitting on his bed with Lumos cast and a book in front of him, he looked up as Sirius carefully entered the room.

He noticed Sirius' expression. "Need a hug?" Remus opened his arms to offer it, the other boy nodded and gladly accepted. Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus and leaned him backwards, so they were laying down. He then snuggled closer. On the other hand, Remus had let go because he was so confused. "What are you doing?" he whispered.

"Hugging you" Sirius replied.

"You are cold!"

"You are warm."

Remus rolled his eyes and decided not to question Sirius further. After all his friend often did weird things without explanation, but when they had been laying like that for five minutes, he figured it was time.

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