Yet another full moon

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Last time: Sirius and James are planning their third-prank, they don't target Remus doing their little itching-powder episode, which leads him to believe that they want to be friends. Sirius sends a letter to his brother.

There was really no way of denying it, the full moon was coming closer and Remus began to feel worse again.

The last couple of weeks had passed in a rush. The prank him and Pete had made turned out perfectly, he even overheard Black and Potter admiring it. His heart beamed with pride, maybe if he told them that he did it, they would give him another chance. And Peter of course.

One day in potions, someone ((guess who)) had put itching powder on most tables and chairs in the classroom. Remus was delighted not to see any on his and Peters table. They hadn't done it to them. That's why he decided not to turn them in. That and what the consequences was last time.

Even though it turned out that they didn't actually not put it on their table because they liked him. Remus couldn't make himself regret his decision not to turn them in, maybe if he just did go easy on them, maybe they would begin to like him.

Though it was embarrassing of him confirming their suspicions. He wants to be their friend, it was too much. So before going easy on them he would, he would ignore them until they forgot about it.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was brilliant, Remus had ((as one of the first in their class)) mastered both Petrificus Totalus and the counter-curse to it. It was still surprising him that Professor Casher knew about him and still liked him this much. Perhaps the other professors did too, but they weren't allowed to favorize, Professor Casher obviously didn't care about that much, but she was also only supposed to be here for a year.

It was one day during lunch that Remus thought about something.

He hadn't got revenge yet.

Of course, he actually had, but Black and Potter had gotten again too. So, they weren't even. If they were even it would be much easier for Remus to... be okay with them. He had to do it without involving teachers, and without them finding out about it.

Maybe he should pull a prank on them? A prank would be innocent ((okay not completely innocent)) and they would be more likely to accept it. If he could make them believe that it was a Slytherin who had done it, that would be perfect.

Remus decided not to involve Peter, this wasn't his concern. Plus, the less people who knew the lesser were the chance of him getting exposed.

"What do you want to do after lunch?" Peter asked and pulled Remus out of his own thoughts.

"I don't know, did you have anything in mind?" he asked. It was Saturday morning, Remus weren't at all behind with his homework anymore, he had planned on using the day planning the prank or get ahead with the homework, but if Peter wanted to do something fun, he would rather that.

"Some of the other guys have planned on swimming in the black lake, I know it's a bit cold, but it could be fun" he said quickly, he had been thinking about asking for a long time.

"I'm not really into swimming, you know I kind of have..." Remus trailed off, he hoped that Peter would guess he had hydrophobia ((afraid of water)) by the look on his face, he had. The truth was that if any of the others saw his body they would guess about him. "But I can still come with you" he offered when Peter looked sad.

Then he could use the time to think about what prank he should make.

"Oh-okay" Peter answered. Remus could smell the embarrassment from all over here, but why was Peter embarrassed? He hadn't done anything wrong.

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