Rvb S6 E6 "Chapter 6"

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Outpost ???
To Meta shooting at South inside a Domed Energy Shield.

Director (Voiceover): The Meta is nothing more than an entity seeking to increase its power, in these confusing days after the war. From my perspective, that seems to be a very common occurrence at the moment.

South: Delta, report.

Delta: Your suit's energy reserves are nearly depleted. The shield will not-

South: How much longer?

Delta: The Meta will breach our barrier within sixty seconds. I suggest that you prepare your grenades while I divert power from your armor's non-essential systems.

South: No.

Delta: You have a better plan?

South: Keep the shield up as long as you can. When it starts to falter, transfer yourself to the storage unit.

Delta: I think I would be more useful in my current state.

South: I'll dump my shield generator at the same time. There's no way that thing can resist the both of you.

Delta: You are... abandoning me?

South: It's my best chance to get out of this.

Delta: South, protocol violations aside, this seems to be a very short term solution. The Meta will only grow more powerful by integrating me into-

South: Program override, acknowledge last directive.

Delta: Acknowledged. Preparing storage unit.

South: Get ready.

Delta: Shield failure in five, four-

South: Get ready to eject.

Delta: Three-

South: Transfer to storage.

Delta: Two-

South: On my mark-

Delta: One.

South: Now!

A grenade goes off at the perimiter of the shield, and Church and Caboose, come in with on one mongoose, same with Leo and Wade on another and finally Wash driving in on his own mongoose.

Wash: There they are!

Delta: New targets encountered.

Wash: Don't let it get near her!

Church and Caboose crash there mongoose into a tree and hide behind a wall. While Wash, Leo and Wade halt there mongoose in front of the Meta and hop off, before the Meta blew up their mongooses. The three of them, begin to start opening fire on the Meta.

Wash: (Yells) And don't let her get away!

Leo: (Yells) Her? But, isn't she a Freelancer just like you?

Wash: Yeah, just don't let her leave!

Wade shoots the Meta in the chest with his shotgun but, his shields blocked the bullets.

Wade: This Guys really tough!

To Caboose and Church, who are still behind a concrete wall.

Church: Okay! Caboose!

Caboose: Hello.

Church: Hey, see that purple one? She's on our team. You should help her.

Red vs Blue Season 6: Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now