Rvb S6 E7 "Chapter 7"

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Outpost ???
Chairman (Voiceover): Dear Director. Your program was granted the use of a single artificial intelligence unit, for implantation experiments. Yet, the department records clearly show multiple agents in the field with implants, during the same timeframes. Surely this must be a logging error, and we anticipate a corrected document soon.

The the group standing around Agent Souths corpse.

Church: Okay. I have a great idea. Let's all put down our guns, and not shoot anyone else that we're trying to help.

Wash: Relax.

Church: Exactly. Let's all relax.

Wash: Agent South had already shot me in the back once before, and she tried to give up Delta to the enemy. I wasn't going to wait around to see if she decided to do it again.

Church: Right, okay, sure...

Wash: Stop talking to me like that.

Leo: Yeah... it's starting to get annoying.

Church: We're not talking to you like anything.

Caboose: No one is talking to you like this...

Wash: You don't need to treat me like that. I'm not crazy, okay? I'm totally completely sane. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go blow up this dead body.

Wade: I can do that for you!

Wash: You sure?

Wade: Definitely.. and I just reeallyy want to blow something up, right now.

Wade walks away from the group and heads to Agent South's body.

Leo: So, Delta right? How's the space in there?

Delta: It is a ok for now. But, I was unaware that you where Director's son.

Leo: Wait, how did you-

Wash: Your the Directors son?

Leo: Umm... kind of.

Wash: Delta stay here, watch these two while I speak with Leo for a sec.

Leo then gets dragged of to the side by Wash pulling his arm.

Leo: (Distance) What the? Where are you taking me!?

The two then disappear, behind a rock.

Church: What? I thought I was Leo's dad!  Did Tex cheat on me, again!

Delta: I find it highly unlikely, that Agent Texas would intercourse with you but, was Agent Texas, Leo's mother I assume?

Caboose: Yes, she's a very scary lady.

Delta: This is very... interesting.

Church: (Sighs) Hey, hey uh, uh, green guy.

Caboose: I'm blue.

Church: Delta.

Caboose: Oh, him.

Delta: How may I be of assistance?

Church: Hey yeah, uh, what's the deal with this, guy?

Behind Caboose and Church, Wade shoots South's body several times with an shotgun.

Delta: Destruction of unused armor or equipment is standard recovery procedure.

Church: Not Wade, I mean is Agent Washington like a whack-job or what?

Red vs Blue Season 6: Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now