I forgive you

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If the person who was supposed to love and care for you bullied and traumatized you for sixteen years of your life, would you forgive them? Would you forgive them for trying to ruin the life of the people you you considered family, even if not by blood? These were thoughts running through Cheryl Blossom-Topaz's mind, while she and her life partner laid in bed.

It was about 3AM. A text message she had received around dinner time made her sick to her stomach, to the point that she couldn't enjoy the meal with her wife and her three kids. The number was unknown but it was signed with a name that Cheryl thought to never hear about again. ''Your mother, Penelope.''

It had been 10 years since they last saw each other. The last time the woman messed with this lovely family. What was running through her mind was a mystery, how after all these years she finally came to sense and wanted to be part of her daughter's life again, a late, yet fresh start.

The truth is that her mother rarely crossed her mind. After Nana Rose passed away, she was sad that the twins wouldn't have a supportive grandmother like the redhead was so fortunate to have. But that thought quickly disappeared when she remembered all the bad things Penelope has done. People don't just change like that. Nevertheless, the message was.. Convincing to say the least. Apparently, Penelope had gotten into therapy, and got a real job at a grocery store, leaving her prostitute like attitude. She wanted to be part of the twin's life, even if they were already 16, she knew about their existence but she didn't know about Jamie, the youngest member of the family.

Eventually, after reading the message about a thousand times, exhaustion took over Cheryl and she fell asleep, thinking about talking to Toni and the kids about the situation.

''Okay, family. There is something really important that I would like to discuss with all of you.'' Cheryl announced, sitting down at the dinner table where everyone else was already eating their breakfast. Toni looked at her partner with furrowed brows of confusion, but a big piece of toast stuffed in her mouth kept her from speaking. When they all paid attention to Cheryl she started to explain the situation at hand.

''So, you may not know this but my mother, legally your grandmother, has contacted me. We haven't spoken in 10 years because back then, and throughout my whole life really, she was a really bad person and an even worse mom. She doesn't even know about Jamie, that's how distant we are. So, she messaged me saying that she changed and that she wants to be part of your lives. Before I agree to meet her so we can talk better, I wanted to talk to you guys about this because I don't feel like this should be only my decision to make.'' Cheryl finished with a sad smile. Victoria was the first to reply.

''Well that's a bit odd. But you taught us that we should always give people a second chance, right?'' She tried to lighten up the mood, showing acceptance from her part.

''I'm not sure that this is a second chance. Hell, not even a fifth chance. But if you are all willing to meet her and help me go through this, because I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty hard, I would really appreciate.'' Cheryl held Toni's hand, who was looking at her lovingly. Those eyes meant more than words sometimes.

''So like.. What do we say? When we see her. We have no clue what she even looks like.'' Jason points out.

''Do you think she will give us gifts?'' Jamie gasped, kicking her feet in excitement.

''Oh she most certainly will try to win your love with materialism'' Toni scoffed and Cheryl laughed. She wasn't wrong.

''Have you seen her, mommy?'' Victoria questions Toni.

'' Before Momma and I were dating, she did really bad things. She, with the help with other people, tried to hurt Momma. And she was really mean and cold. But like you said, we gotta give her another chance.'' Toni smiled sweetly. The twins and Jamie looked at her, shock on their faces.

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