Chapter Five

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Summer POV

Ryan held my hand as we drove comfortably down the road. "The babies aren't fidgeting are they?" Ryan asks and I giggle placing his hand on my stomach. "Nothing's happening right now, I just hope they don't move under my ribcage again or that I don't get heartburn," I tell him before he chuckles.

"The heartburn is your fault," he says and I scoff playfully. "Me? Says the person with the bouncy, sexy, brown hair. How do you keep your hair so bouncy and shiny?" I ask him as my hand goes through his hair. "I just have natural good hair, but don't come talking about how good my hair is. Your hair so curly and long, I'm going to feel bad if they both girls, all that hair we're going to have to tumble through," he says and I laugh.

The car stops and I look out towards the cabin like mansion. The house was made of wood with windows galore. The yard around was huge and crowded with people. "Does your entire family stay here?" I ask him and he nods as my jaw drops. "It's our family way," he shrugs as he gets out the car and people turn their head towards the car.

He walks over to my side, opening the door, he helps me out the car and people stare at us. My heart started to accelerate as the babies started to move around. A bunch of little kids started to run towards him. "Ryan!" They yell and attack him to the ground causing me to laugh and squeal, moving out of the way.

The kids wrestle him and he laughs, play wrestling them. A woman then walks over. "Sorry that they stole your boyfriend, I'm Kiani, Ryan's aunt," the woman speaks, giving me her hand. I shake it while staring at her tanned skin that was grossly orange. I don't want to be mean, but it was very ugly and made me uncomfortable and I wish I knew why.

"My name is Summer, it's nice to meet you," I tell her as she flips her curled dirty blonde hair on her shoulders. "Well, Summer, it's nice to finally meet you seeing as you two have been together some time," Kiani speaks as she stares at my stomach. I clear my throat uncomfortably as my hand touches my stomach.

"How far along are you?" Kiani asks, still staring at my stomach. "Seven months," I answer and she nods. Ryan finally gets up with kids clinging on to him like a tree. I laugh as he took big footsteps. "Sorry, they haven't seen me in a while," Ryan chuckles and I just nod.

"Alright kids, go get in the house there are cookies to be eaten," Kiani speaks. They gasp, jumping off of Ryan and running to the kitchen. "Well, Ryan and Summer, I wish you two luck," Kiani speaks and walks away and I raise an eyebrow to her retreating body. "I barely said anything to her," I tell Ryan who was sighing and grabs my hand with his free arm. "I know, she came here to size you up and go tell the others about you," Ryan sighs.

"This is scary. What should I expect?" I ask him as we reach the front doors. Ryan gave me no answer and soon the babies started moving again. I bite my lips to hide the pain and Ryan removed his hand from mine and rubbed my stomach which soothed the baby's movements. "No, need to be nervous," he whispers in my ear and I smile up at him. My little love bug.

The door opens and there stood Xavier. He was wearing a tight fitted shirt along with tight fit black jeans and socks. No shoes. I don't blame him, if I was home I wouldn't wear shoes either, I wouldn't care if Jesus himself stepped in. "Hi, Xavier," I smile at him and he gives me a dazzling smile that made my heart jump a beat. This might be a long day.

"Nice for you two to finally come, you're welcome to enter," Xavier allows us in and we walk in and there was every adult from inside. Sitting in the living room as the kids munched down on cookies without a care in the world. "Follow me," Xavier says and casts a quick glance to the eyes who immediately turned away.

We walk to the kitchen and I see a couple dancing and laughing to the soul music that was playing from a speaker. "I'm in love under new management, yeah. Someone very special came into my life and no one takes his place," the woman sings there were so much love in her green eyes as she stared at her significant other.

I lean into Ryan as his hand immediately wraps around my waist and lays comfortably on my stomach. This is the most sweetest thing I have ever seen. When Ryan and I get older I want to be like this. Listening to old love song and dancing in the kitchen with the same fire in our eyes. "Can we be like this when we get older?" I ask Ryan in a whisper and something inside me felt weird. As if I wasn't supposed to ask him that question.

"Of course," Ryan answers and places a small kiss on top of my head. Xavier then clears his throat and the couple jumps a mile away from each other causing me to giggle. "Mom, Father, I thought we talked about your suggestive dancing," Xavier speaks as his mother giggles. "You're going to be doing this when you find your true love," his mother speaks and my eyes bounce up to Ryan's as he winks to me.

"Anyway, excuse them for being rude. I am Princeton, this --" he cuts himself off by smacking Xavier on the head softly, "-- idiots father and Ryan's." I giggle as Xavier frowns and I rub his arm. "It's okay," I whisper to him and he cheers up. It didn't feel weird comforting him after the smack of the head, it felt natural. Xavier smiles at me and I almost shifted to his side.

Fixing myself, I then take the hand of Princeton, "nice to finally meet you, Princeton. I'm Summer." His brown eyes gleam at me and I felt at home. Princeton then grabs his wife's hand and pulls her up and she smiles at me the same as her sister, Kiana. It was dry and made me feel uncomfortable.

"I'm Kylani, mother to both of the boys. It's nice to have you in the family," Kylani speaks and I continue my smile. "It feels nice to finally meet you both," I tell her and she nods her head. "Boys, leave us to talk and you guys go do boy stuff," Kylani says and when Ryan went to leave I grab his hand quickly.

He chuckles and kiss my temple as I stood there with a very forced smile. I'm going to have my head bitten off and placed on a stake. Turning to Kylani, her fake smile drops as she motions me to come further inside. I walk inside and we lean on opposite sides of room on the counters. "So, how long were you two together before you got married?" Kylani asks me and I scratch my arm nervously. "We aren't married yet and aren't planning to be until the twins come into the world," I tell her and she nods.

"Well, how long until you were engaged?" She ask and I sigh happily. "Known each other for nearly three, possible four, years and dated for a year and half out of them," I tell her and she nods. "How did you meet?" She asks and I chuckle while running a hand through my hair. "We met in the library, but the funny thing is I didn't notice him for three weeks. So for three weeks he sat in front of me reading and I only noticed him because of the book he was reading when I finally put mine down," I explain to her.

"Did you two immediately start dating?" Kylani asks and I shake my head. "No. I was already in a relationship and just started a very good friendship with Ryan," I tell her and she nods. "How old were you when you met?" She asks and I clear my throat and shake my head. "I don't feel comfortable answering that," I tell her and she hums.

"Now, tell me right now. Do you love my son the way you show? Do you really know him? Are you sure you love him?" Kylani rains a number of questions on me. I nod my head quickly, "I really do love your son more than anything. If anything were to happen to him, I'd go crazy. He's my walking sanity," I express to her and she smiles at me. "I like you, but I can't help feeling that you're with the wrong boy," Kylani tells me.

I raise an eyebrow. "I don't understand," I tell her and she shakes it off. "Would you like anything to eat or drink?" She asks and I nod. If only I could take a couple shots of vodka.

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