Chapter Eighteen

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Summer POV

Lydia and I laugh with a few of Ryan and Xavier's cousins. It was fun hanging with everybody in such a great space and learn more about hem as a family.

"So, I heard that you and Ryan will be tying the knot soon," Elizabeth hints.

I giggle, "yes, he proposed before I got pregnant and when we found out we both decided to wait until after the twins were born."

"And how did he take having twins?" Cherry asks.

"He fainted," I answer truthfully as we all laugh.

I remember having to go to the clinic by myself because he had to go work that morning. I was shocked myself when I saw the two heart beats on the monitor.

The growing sense of pain pulls me out my thoughts as I nearly hunch over in my seat. These cramps seem to get worse by the hour and I could only hope the twins will suffice until we learn their genders.

"Summer, is everything alright?" Lydia asks.

"Of course, just Braxton Hicks, I'll be fine," I tell her as Cherry hands me my glass of water.

I sip as I turn to see the boys playing football in the field. Ryan catches my eye and wink at me. My cheeks began to heat up as I stared him. Shirtless and sweaty... and ruining my favorite suit.

"So, Summer," Elizabeth calls my attention, "are you ready for all this?"

"And More? Yes I am." I smile.

"Well, welcome to the family and don't think you can get rid of us, we're as strong as a pack wolves," Cherry tells me.

Princeton waves us over and my cramps began to worsen. I quickly disguise my discomfort as I join Ryan on a homemade stage where two bowls of water sits along with a few balls that look like bath bombs.

"Alright, before you guys drop the bombs into the water. Are you wishing for a girl or a boy?" Princeton asks.

"I want a boy," I say receiving a bunch of cheers from the bunch of men that were playing football.

"I want a princess," Ryan says and I roll my eyes playfully when I was hit with another wave of cramps, worse than before.

Do Braxton Hicks come this quickly? I know they're painful, but at least let me breathe.

"Alright, now drop the bomb inside the bowl and it will turn pink or—"

The sound of a thousand footsteps causes Princeton to halt his words. The atmosphere couldn't change any quicker as the sound of wolves howling caused everyone to run inside.

"Summer, come on."

Lydia whisked me away inside where most of the women were, a bit of the men as well. They fumbled and stumbled down the stairs into the basement door as my world began to distort around me. My heartbeat fills my ears and I snatch my arm away from Lydia.

"Where's Ryan?" I ask in a panic.

"He's still outside..."

That's all I heard before I turned back around and headed upstairs. The faint sounds of Lydia calling after me could not stop me. Did she just expect me to leave him?

Waddling up to the patio door, my heart stops when I see the tiny treasure chest opened up to reveal a tiny ballerina. It was a music box. Stepping onto the patio my eyes glance up and I could feel my sanity exit.

Wolves. Blood. Chaos. Bodies of the men I just seen laugh and cheering me on to have a son lay flat and lifeless as wolves fight around them. They bared their teeth and snapped at each other's neck. They were bigger than normal wolves for sure.

A growl and huff caused my neck to small to the left where Ryan stood fighting a while wolf. Where is his brother? Where is his father? Neither of them were down in the basement.

The pressure at my cervix caused me to fall to my knees as liquid poured onto the patio floor. My water broke. My hands snake around my stomach to try to control the pain I was in as I prayed for the twins to just hold on a little longer.

Teeth snapped at me and I began a stare down with a wolf with red eyes. The ones Ryan warned me about. He growled at me taking a stance to attack.

My body began to shake in fear as my wet eyes began to plead.

"Please... no."

The wolf snorts before it jumped at me. I flinch away and fade into darkness. Please don't let it hurt. Please don't let it hurt.

When I noticed my body wasn't experiencing anymore pain, I open my eyes to see a silver wolf standing over the dead body of my almost attacker. It looked up at me with a mouth red as it began to transform before my very eyes.


He sneered at me as he picked up my body and brought me into the house. Did I just see him turn from a wolf?

"If someone is taking you down to the basement, maybe it's for your safety. Not for you to just skip back upstairs and put yourself in danger — why are you so fucking stubborn? You almost got yourself killed!" Ryan growls.

He just turned into a werewolf and then back into a human and the only thing he cares about is my stubbornness? Ha.

"You're a werewolf." These were the only words I could make out.

Realization finally hit him as he stared at me. Caution in his movements as he stepped closer to the couch.

"Baby... you're shaking." Concern in his voice as he reached around my shoulders.

"Don't touch me." I flinch away. I couldn't wrap my mind around this whole ordeal and especially not werewolves.

"Are you all werewolves?" I whisper to no one in particular.

Before Ryan could speak, my contractions came back with a vengeance. I toppled over in pain as the couch began to stain with puddles of blood oozing out of me.

"Now?!" Ryan yells as I could only nod.

In a flash, Lydia and one of the men were by my side. Lydia tried to talk me through my contractions, but I began to fade out. My mind only focusing on the fighting happened mere feet away from us. On that fact that werewolves exist on this planet.

"Get her to my room and don't open that door unless it's me," Ryan Orders.

My body was picked up from the couch as they hurried upstairs.

"Hey, Summer, we never got to meet, but I'm Ian a distant cousin of Ryan's," Ian introduces himself in hopes of friendly chatter.

I paid no mind. Lydia quickly switched out the bedding before Ian lays me down. With a pair of scissors she cut my dress before ripping it off and they both gasped.

"Why is there so much blood?" Ian whispers.

Lydian bits her lip and ignores the question, possibly trying not to scare me. I couldn't care less. As long as my children get to see the world, I'll die today.

With the amount of traction in their footsteps, they were definitely moving faster than humanely possible.

"Are you wolves too?" I ask.

The two of them pause. Uncomfortable glances exchanged before Ian ran out of the room and Lydia walked up to me. I can't believe I'm just now seeing all this. Just now being exposed to it all.

No wonder Xavier got so defensive, no wonder he was a werewolf in my dreams. In my dreams. Wait. Is he and I mates? That would explain the weird attraction I felt for him.

"Honey, we have much more important things to worry about than that, please let's try to have these twins," Lydia says.

Ian walked back in with towels and pots of steaming water as another wave of contractions hit me.

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