Chapter Twenty-One

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Summer POV

I lay in the hospital bed sobbing my heart out. Last night was unreal and now that the aftermath is hitting me it feels worse.

I can't believe Ryan asked me that stupid question knowing the state of my mind. Knowing who my heart belongs too. He has my mind reeling.

Is that why he was adamant about me coming over to the family house to be around Xavier? Is this why he didn't seem to fight so hard for me? Did he know about me and his brother being mates? Did he make me fall in love with him to hurt his brother and our kids were just unplanned?

The click of the door opening caused my eyes to look up at the visitor. It was Princeton and he looked just as drained as I did. It made me chuckle a bit before I wiped my face to appear presentable.

"Morning, you dressed?" Princeton asks.

I nod my head and throw back the sheets to show a grey sweatsuit the hospital gave me.

"Good, how are you feeling?" Princeton asks.

"Like crap... Princeton they won't let me see my kids because of that scene last night," I sniff as a fresh batch of tears brew in my eyes.

"Yeah, what exactly did happen last night?" Princeton asks as he takes a seat on the bed and rubs my arm in comfort.

"We all known I've been through mental Hell... I was already losing my sanity looking at werewolves then I go into labor for 15 hours just for your son to tell me that I need to choose between him and Xavier," I tell Princeton.

"He did what?" Princeton snaps.

Hot tears hit the bedsheets as I crawl into Princeton arms for a hug.

"Ryan told me to choose between him and Xavier and it just tipped me over... I snapped. I didn't mean too, but I did and now it has cost me my children," I cry.

"I'm so sorry, Summer, I'm most definitely going to punch him for you," Princeton says causing me to laugh.

"I think that would just make matters worse, but right now I just want my children, Ryan and I can talk about all this in a later date when he has his head screwed on entirely," I sniff.

"Maybe you two need some time apart," Princeton suggests, "I have a house not too far from here that I'm sure can do you some good."

I scoff while sitting up. I'm just supposed to leave my children with a man that probably doesn't want them? I'm not that bad of a mother.

"I know what you're thinking and I do think it's the best, besides it's either this or a week in psych ward to talk to a psychiatrist," Princeton tells me.

I sigh as my hands pull at the roots of my hair. A week away from my kids? I can't do that. They can't just make me leave them.

"I can't leave my kids... why am I being treated like this?" I ask.

"Your mental health isn't something to fuck with Summer and we have to not only think about you right now, but your kids. I promise you nothing bad will happen to them while you're away... it's only for three days."

"But those are such vital days," I stress.

"I know, but we need you to get yourself right, we need to talk to Ryan and see why he would push you off the edge, and keep your twins safe."

Maybe he's right, I mean I have spiraled like this before. It only takes a few days for me to get right and when I get back I'll start seeing a therapist. I'll be the best me.

"Fine, but I want to see my girls one more time," I negotiate.

Princeton nods and I follow him out of the hospital room. We make our way through an assortment of halls and all I could do was think about Ryan.

What was the point of asking me to choose anyway? When I was going through labor Lydia talked her lips off to try to distract me and she said that her and Xavier are a thing now. A permanent relationship has already been built.

I know Ryan knows about this. Did he think that last night was like a last attempt to throw me away? Why drag me along for so long anyway? He could've kept me for a month before deciding to hop on a plane to meet the family.

He could've ruined my life then. Not when I've had his kids and I'm fully devoted to him. Now when we're so close to being married. I take a look at my engagement ring and felt lost.

"They're in here," Princeton announces and I walk into the room.

The door closes behind me and I walk over to their cribs. They were sleeping so peacefully and I kept my hands to myself to not wake them up. I'm going to be the best mother I can be and it starts with collecting myself together and being strong minded. So they will never see me fall.

"I'll see you both real soon," I whisper before laying a kiss on their face.

Joining Princeton out in the halls, we make our way out of the hospital to an awaiting truck. Xavier and Lydia walked up to me and Lydia gave me a great big hug.

"I'm so sorry," she whispers.

"I am too," I tell her.

"You know, I wish my brother was going to do some stupid hair like that, I wouldn't have left last night," Xavier chips in.

"It's not your fault Xavier, I can only guess your brother planned this and the kids just got in the way," I sigh.

"No, he is in love with you Summer, I know he is... we're going to figure out what happened," Xavier tells me.

If anything did happen.

"Alright, I don't think the truck is willing to wait any longer," Princeton says.

I raise an eyebrow as he cracks a grin.

"I bought a car service."

I chuckle as they all gave me a goodbye hug and fare-wishes. Climbing into the truck, I felt a new pair of eyes staring. Turning around, I watched Ryan turn from his silver wolf into human.

"Second chance?" He mouths.

I turn away from him as I feel myself succumbing to him again. We have to much to fix before ever thinking about the option of a second chance. Especially since so many of my questions are left unanswered.

Turning to Princeton, I beckon him forward before sliding my ring off my finger.

"What's wrong?" Princeton asks.

"Give this to Ryan." I place the ring in his hand. "Tell him we're not ready."

"Are you sure?" Princeton asks softly.

I nod my head as I climb into the truck and close the door. The truck pulls away and I lean back in my seat trying to stop my tears.

"Harsh day?" The driver asks.

"Hard week, hard month, I'm so drained," I sigh.

"Well, I'm sure you're going to be well rested after this," he says.

A smile grew in my face as I think of my babies and that they're going to be waiting for me.

"Yea me—"

White light flashed in my eyes and it was the last thing I saw.

The End
Second Book Coming Soon

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