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"I love when they re play old movies," Phoebe says.

We're in Isaac's old pickup. Amber is in the front and I'm squished in between Auguste and Phoebe.

"Phoebe, was it you I watched that movie with?" Auguste asks.

"On the couch at mamie's?"

"Couldn't of been. I remember last time we were there I couldn't find anything in English."

"Maybe there's a french version of 'Stand by Me'"

"What? Like a 'Soutenez-moi'?"

"Wonder how they'd translate it. Like literally stand by me or the idea of like stand by me meaning support me—"

"How about we talk about something... less boring," Amber groans.

"No it was Eda's house," Auguste says, completely ignoring Amber.

"Who?" I ask.

"Our old babysitter," Phoebe replies.

"She hated us," Auguste laughs. "We'd speak french to each other to annoy her because we were evil children."

"So evil," Isaac snorts sarcastically.

It's quiet for a bit. What I believe is Lord Huron, plays quietly.

Isaac turns down the music.

"How's about we look over the city?"

"Hm?" Where? There's no tall buildings to go atop.

"Oh right, we took the highway. You probably didn't notice we went up the escarpment. Now we're taking the back routes," Phoebe says.

Isaac turns a corner after a stop sign and all the sudden we're aside a cliff and the whole city is next to us. The sky is dark but the city is bright and everything is lit up.

"I've always wanted to but I can't drive," Phoebe says.

There's a small gravel area that Isaac backs the truck into.

"Okay, hop out kiddos."

"Kiddos," Auguste mumbles to himself as we get out.

Amber who has barely been paying attention, but been on her phone, looks up confused.

"Where? Oh. When did we decide this?"

"When you were texting," Isaac snatches her phone. "Hm wonder who."

"Hey! Hey give that back Isaac!" Amber claws to get her phone back as he chuckles and attempts to read it.

As the two argue Phoebe sticks her head in the front seat to turn up the music a bit and leave the windows open.

"Ooh what is this? A boy?"

"Oh Charlie?" We all heat Phoebe's muffled voice from in the truck.

"Ooh, Charlie," Isaac smirks. "Who's that?"


"Sorry! You know I can't keep secrets."

Auguste walks over to the railing that keeps cars from flying over, and sits on it.

"Auguste! Get off!" Phoebe says. "Do you have a death wish?"

"Relax Pheobs."

"Yeah. Have some fun," Amber, who appears to have her phone back, climbs up onto the railing.

"Look. You can see the stars from here," Amber says.

I climb into the back of the truck where there's still blankets. And two lawn chairs.

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