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School starts in less then an hour and I'm sat at the table while Phoebe makes pancakes. How they got me up this early, I don't know.

I can hear Phoebe humming. Richard and Gwen are upstairs still getting ready, Auguste is packing a lunch in the kitchen and Grace isn't home.

Richard decided the other day he'd buy me a bunch of things for school, mainly out of pity I can imagine. Plus I'm still a little pissed at him. I mean, most people would deny it because it's pity money but fuck that. Free shit. I've never got to pick whatever I wanted. Beside's, he fucked over my mum so I don't care if I waste his money.

Phoebe eventually walks into the dining room with a plate full of pancakes.

"Maman, papa, votre petit-déjeuner!" Phoebe calls upstairs to them.

Auguste walks over to the table and grabs a plate from the stack Phoebe already brought in. I do the same.

Next Phoebe brings out a small little fruit bowl.

"Ready for your first day?" Phoebe asks all smiley. I groan as a response.

Who could be this happy, this early in the morning and on the first day back to school?

Auguste seems to share the same expression as me. Tired and wanting death.

I eat the pancakes and finish as Richard and Gwen make their way downstairs.

I leave the table first and go to pack my bag. I'd left it in hopes of an apocalypse or something w interrupting my morning.

Auguste and Phoebe are done in no time and they stand waiting at the door. We all slip on our shoes and grab umbrellas.

"Je t'aime!" Phoebe and Auguste shout.

Richard and Gwen both repeat the phrase.

When we cross the street and get to the sidewalk we meet up with Addi who was also walking to the bus top.

"How old is your brother?" I ask. I don't quite remember his name but I know there's another kid.

"Kieran? Oh he's nineteen."

Addi and Phoebe talk as Addi holds the umbrella and Phoebe adjusts her bun.

Auguste and I don't speak. Not morning people.

The bus arrives at about 7:15am and we get on. The bus is so empty that we all pick our own seats. Except for Phoebe and Addi who sit together.

I can hear the two girls chat throughout entire bus ride. We're one of the first bus stops so it's about a twenty minute ride till we finally get to school.

"Casey," Phoebe calls my name once I'm off the bus. "I've got to show you around. This place is massive and trust me I still get lost."

"That makes me feel so much better."

We walk through the side doors where the bus dropped us off. The first hallway we enter is pretty quiet except for a couple groups sitting on the floor, leaning against lockers. After we walk through that hall we turn into a busy hall full of teens chatting in groups or walking alone.

"That was tech hall. It's pretty quiet there. It's usually where are more nerdy slash geek kids hang around. It's also where robotics room is."

I nod my head.

"Now I don't know as much of your grade but I do know Isaac and Auguste then some of their friends."

It's odd to think that they have other friends. They all just hang around each other so much.

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