she's cute.

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Kevin woke up, forgetting that he was sleeping next to Laury in her own bed. He grabbed his backpack and almost left without saying goodbye.

"Hey, Laury." Kevin shook her lightly.

She woke up with sleepy eyes, and looked at Kevin. "What time is it?" she asked.

"6:30. If we want to walk to school and get something to eat, we should leave now."

Laury tried to stand up, but she winced a little. "Ugh, my chest hurts. Could... you help me up, please?" Kevin rushed over to her and wrapped his arm around her waist, and took hold of her hand. He slowly raised her up on her feet, and stood just fine. It wasn't hard for him, because Laury was quite small and short. "Thanks, Kev."

"No problem." Kevin responded. Laury immediately started to change, so Kevin looked away to avoid being awkward.

Once they had changed, Laury went upstairs, and Kevin followed. Bethany was still sleeping, after coming home at one in the morning. Laury grabbed her house keys, and they both went outside. The morning sky was beautiful, with a splash of dark blue and gray. Laury could feel the cool morning air flow through her curls. Normally, Kevin and Laury would get rides home from their parents, due to the afternoon summer heat. It was a different story in the morning.

Kevin held Laury's hand. She smiled and blushed. It reminded Kevin of a field trip to the movie theater, where they had first held hands. He remembers asking Laury 'Do you mind if I hold your hand?' and Laury responding with 'I'm fine with that.' He couldn't help but smile at the memory.

"I love being outside. I rarely go out, anyway." Laury said. She only goes outside to play sports, but most of the time, she's either spending time with her family or playing video games. She has a brother, but he's always out and about.

"I do too," Kevin responded, looking up at the beautiful morning sky. "What are your plans this summer?"

"Well, now that you're my boyfriend, I hope that you will come over more," Laury smiled at Kevin. "Other than that, I don't know for sure yet."

"I promise I'll come over as much as I can. It's the least I could do for someone like you."

"What do you mean?" She wasn't sure about what he meant in his second sentence.

"I mean, I never thought you like me this way. I like it this way, but I didn't know you'd be the one to ask. That's why I like you. You're the perfect mix of brave and shy."

Laury blushed, and she jumped on Kevin. Kevin held her up by wrapping his arms around her legs. She had a big smile on her face, and touched Kevin's nose with hers. She kissed him several times, then jumped down from his grip.

Laury laughed. "Weren't expecting that, were you?"

Kevin was still blushing. "Surprised me a bit." He smiled.

They arrived at the grocery store. Surprisingly, Kevin and Laury's good friend, Kaelani, was there too. "Hi!" she shouted. She was very energetic and hyper most of the time. She had the same skin color as Kevin, only a bit darker. Her hair was straight and black, and it reached halfway down her back.

"Good to see you, Lani." Kevin said.

"I didn't know you two would be here. What are you up to?"

"We just came to grab some food to eat," Laury explained. "It's also the last day of school!"

"Ohh, you're right! I almost forgot about that." Lani pulled out her phone and began texting someone. She followed Kevin and Laury while they were looking for something to eat.

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