nobody ever really dies.

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"I just can't believe it, Kev. I can't," Lani said, tears rolling down her delicate face. "And it's all my fault. I upset her," Kevin raised a finger to speak, but Lani stopped him. "Don't try and tell me it wasn't my fault. Seriously."

Kevin sighed. "I'm just as surprised as you are right now," he glanced over at Lani, who was looking at the ground crying. "You know what Laury told me before she died?" Lani looked at Kevin, giving him a signal to continue. "She promised to always be with me. Even if she's not really there."

Lani calmed down a bit, and the tears slowed down. "Nobody ever really dies, I guess."

"Exactly," Kevin thought for a moment. He wanted to make Lani feel better, and he tried to do everything he could. "You should try and talk to her."

She looked up at Kevin again. "Who?"

Kevin nodded. "Alina. It might sound stupid, but it will make you feel better."

Lani gave Kevin a friendly hug. "Thanks, Kev."


Lani returned home. She was sitting on her room floor, next to her nightstand. She took several deep breaths to try and hold back the emotional pain. "Alina Skye Hart... I'm so, so sorry for everything..." A tear escaped from her eye. "I didn't mean to cause pain. I've made a terrible mistake, and I regret everything," She was crying a bit more now, sniffling. "Alina, I love you so much. I just wish you were here to hear my apology... I'm sorry. I wish it hadn't come to this." She put her hands on her eyes and started to bawl.

"I'm still here, sweetie."

Lani jumped up from her sitting position and slammed into the nightstand behind her, causing her lamp to fall and break.

"Oh, God," Alina couldn't help but laugh. "Didn't mean to scare you." Lani was shocked. Kevin was actually right.  There she stood, right in front of Lani. She looked perfectly fine, unlike the last time Lani saw her - hanging from the ceiling, face as white and pale as snow.

"Alina!" Lani ran over and gave her a tight hug, and she hugged her back. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you like that!"

Alina gave her same cute smile as she always did when she was around Lani. "It's okay. It's not all your fault. I couldn't live with the pain anymore. The guilt was literally killing me. My mom pushed it even further than it was every day. I still regret the decision I made. Almost killing a woman in cold blood... I can't just forget about that."

"I know it was scary for you..." Lani continued. "It scared me, too. That's why I acted that way... now I regret it."

She reached out to hold Lani's hand. "Don't feel that way. I may have been sad at the time. But now, I'm happy where I am."

"Why did you come back for me?"

"I came back for you because I care about every part of you. The fact that you keep friends so close, the fact that you respect everyone. You're beautiful and determined. I knew from the start that I would like you. And I do. I love you, Kaelani. That's why I'm here right now."

Lani smiled and let out a tear. Alina hugged her tight. "I'll be here when you need me."


It was about 9 p.m. Kevin was laying down in his bed, feeling very stressed out. "I can't believe it. First Laury, now Alina... why?" He let out a big sigh, and stood up. He grabbed his phone, put on his jacket, and left the house. He wanted to take a walk to ease the tension. Kevin was hoping to feel better afterwards. He walked a couple minutes down to the park and sat down on a bench, putting his face in his hands, letting out another big sigh. He heard some people talking, so he looked up.

"You gave me a choice!" someone shouted. Kevin stood up to look who it was.

"We're telling you now. That is an order. We can expose you if you do not comply." It was Roman, talking to the same two men that he confronted when Kevin and Lani found his sister.

"What the hell is going on?" Kevin asked.

"You!" Roman shouted. "You need to go, now."

Kevin turned around to leave, but was interrupted by one of the mysterious men. "No. Stay and listen a while," Kevin stopped and turned around. He could see a smirk on his face. Roman's face grew with rage. "Do you even know who this person really is?" He was pointing to Roman. Kevin shrugged. The other man scoffed. "He is a-"

"Don't say a damn word, Ivan!" Roman shouted, exploding with anger.

The man who seemed to be Ivan raised an eyebrow at Roam. "Or what? What can you possibly do in this situation?"

"You gave me the gun! And now you're using it against me!"

"Woah, woah," Kevin interrupted. "What gun? What's going on?"

"Tell him, Malakhov." Ivan said in response.

"We gave Roman a weapon to defend himself in return for his compliance to an offer," Malakhov said. "But, he refuses."

"What the hell do you want from me?" Roman shouted, once again. "You asked me if I wanted to help you. And I said no. You asked me! It wasn't a do or die situation!"

"We will no longer continue to help you if you don't help us."

"Fine, then leave! I don't need you!"

Malakhov laughed a little. "Good luck, kid." The men went back to their vehicle and drove off.

"Well there you have it," Roman said to Kevin. "Now you know about me. I'm a gang member."

Kevin looked at him in surprise. "But why?" he asked.

Roman sighed. "I came here from Russia because my family was in danger. Ivan and Malakhov came with me to ensure my safety. But now I just feel like a puppet on strings."

"I... I don't know what to say."

"Don't worry," Roman patted him on the back. "Just worry about yourself." He walked away, and Kevin stood at the sidewalk, watching him leave. What did that even mean?

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