II. Crazy

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"shit!" i whisper shouted as the talking died down completely. my heart raced as i listened to the slience. then out of nowhere, april was pulled up to the roof.

"april!" i shouted as i used my energy blast and levitated myself onto the roof while brenda jumped up to the roof, her body already covered in metal.

"give me the camera." one of the figures said before there was a mocking tone behind him.

"look he's using his batman voice."

i waited for the figure to make a move but he didn't. instead i heard the same voice except it was more childish.

"those three girls are so hot, i can feel my shell tightening."

"we can hear you!" the one figure shouted before it began to approach april. brenda and i stood in a fighting stance as he spoke.

"if you don't give me the camera, i'm gonna-"

"enough!" out of nowhere, there was a crash and we both jumped and turned to see a turtle like figure standing tall and mighty on the edge. that's when i saw the blue mask and realized it was the one that saved me from the woman.

"back off, raph." he ordered as i heard footsteps behind me and him saying something about seeing batman.

"ladies, hello. forgive him. my colleague forgot to say please. so will you please give us the camera?" he asked slowly as i looked back at april. she stood in shock and shrugged softly before there was a thud. i now saw a second turtle but with a orange mask.

"no! no! no! it's okay! it's just a mask! see? right?" he rambled as he took off his mask. april then dropped to the ground and i rushed over to her.

"april! april, wake up!" i said as i shook her. another turtle came over. this one had a purple mask and glasses. he looked like a nerd, which was kind of cute in a way.

as i backed away slowly, he began to try and wake april up. i stood up and watched before i felt a hand on my shoulder. i turned to see brenda glaring at something.

"i don't like the way that red turtle over there is staring at me." she said as i looked over the direction she was staring at and saw the red masked turtle 'raph' continuously look their way.

"i don't know. but i'd suggest staying away from that one." i said as she rolled her eyes.

"so, what were you three doing here on the roof?" the blue one asked as i looked at him.

"i'm here to thank you guys for saving ours and the people's lives. april's here because she need proof to show that she really did seem you guys at the docks. and brenda here is just here....for when she wants to kick some ass." i stated as brenda nodded.

"seriously? why because she got metal on her skin?" raph asked sassily as brenda began to approach him. i held her back as she kept trying to rip free.

"i'll have you know that i kicked my father's ass hundreds of times in sparring and i will not hesitate to kick your turtle shell right here, right now!" she shouted while pointing her finger before she ripped out of my grasp and glared at him.

"careful with this one, red. i wouldn't say anything about her if i were you." i said suggestively as he glared at me. "because if you do, not only will you have to deal with the devil, you will have to deal with me too."

he scoffed before walking away; leaving the blue one to slowly smirk.

"guys, she's waking up." i heard as i looked at april. "ma'am, can you hear me? do you know what city you're in?"

april groaned and began to sit up just as the orange one asked,"Have you seen the video where the cat played chopsticks with the chopsticks?"

"i have. it was funny." i commented while giggling. the orange one laughed before the blue one rolled his eyes.

"can we focus here?" he asked as the orange one whined and i shrugged.

"guys, come on! give her some air!" the purple one said as i approached april.

"you okay?"

"yeah, i'm fine. w-what are you?" she asked as the blue one looked from me to her.

"well, miss, um, we're ninjas." He said before raph spoke.

"we're mutants." then the purple one.

"well, technically, we're turtles." then the orange one.

"and we're teenagers. but we can still have adult conversations." april began to stood up, highly confused on everything which i will kindly have to explain later.

"w-wait. so you're...ninja...mutant...turtle....teenagers?"

"well, when you put it like that it sounds ridiculous." the purple one said as i nodded.

"hell, yeah, it does. i think it sounds better as teenage mutant ninja turtles." brenda suggested as the purple one pointed to her.

"now that sounds a lot better. good one!" he complimentedas raph growled.

"see? she's looking at us like we're freaks. bet that's why you took our picture? to show your friends?" he snapped as brenda groaned in frustration.

"who are we going to show it to? no one! 'cause no one will believe us!" she yelled as she rolled her eyes.

"maybe it's a good thing. maybe she has hot friends!" the orange one commented as raph approached april.

"looking for this?" he said as he waved the phone. april was scared straight as she begged him not to break the phone. then the blue one cut in.

"how many times do i have to tell you? we don't break things, raph. we fix them. donnie, already wiped the phone, genius. problem solved. moving on." raph pushed the blue one before they both came face to face.

"who put you in charge?" he growled.

"you know who did." the blue one said as the orange one broke it up.

"oh! tension! it's been like a whole 30 minutes since you guys had this conversation!" i sighed before the purple one interrupted.

"leonardo, if we want to make it back by master, we got to hustle." that's when i looked over at the blue one.

'leonardo? i've heard that name before.' i thought to myself as 'leonardo' approached us slowly.

"do not mention this to anyone. if you do, we will find you. april o'neil, eliza ramsy, brenda ramsy." he warned as i nodded softly and he began to back away. "we're the move, raphael."

"raphael?" i let the name slip through my tongue while i tried to process where i heard these names from.

"yeah, we'll find you o'neil and ramsys...okay! that came across super creepy, but we'll find you though." the orange said as april and brenda ran towards the edge of the roof and began to climb down.

"leonardo?" i called soflty but he must have heard because he turned back around. he stood there for a second before he turned back and jumped off.

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