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"i have no master, shredder. you need to get that out of that thick metal tin can head of yours." eliza said while drawing the katana, the blade glowing red as she did.

"see, that is where you are mistaken, miss ramsy.." shredder began while unveiling his blades. "you belong to me. your blood is filled with their mutation. i possess their mutation, which means i possess yours as well."

eliza glared even more before she ran at shredder, sliding across the floor while slicing him in the thigh before standing and slicing his back. he growled in pain before he threw a blade at her. her eyes glowed a bright red and the blade stopped mid way, a red flare glowed on the edge of it before it flipped the blade and it was thrown back at him.

"eliza!" eliza whipped her head towards the entrance where she saw raph, april, and vern enter in. "i'll get metalhead over here, you get my brothers and brenda out of there!"

he ran after shredder and eliza, april, and vern tried to find a way to get the turtles and her sister out.

"guys, hold on!" she called before she swung her katana. The more she kept slashing at the container, the more she grew more and more desperate to get them out of there.

"come on! goddamit!" eliza slammed her hand against the container, tears slowly running down her face as she stared at them. she closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down. but what she doesn't realize is that her energy was being drained.

she opened her eyes, her orbs a really bright red as she watched the green smoke in the containers turn red, almost like her power was being used as an energy boost.

she watched as the brothers and brenda struggled in their restraints, the veins glowing a bright red, and their eyes glow red.

"what in the world..?" she heard vern say as she looked behind her and saw them slowly backing away. when she looked back, she jumped when she saw them breaking their restraints.

she tumbled back before blacking out from the lack of energy.

"woah! feel so alive!" mikey exclaimed, too energetic from all the adrenaline rush. april came over to eliza after she saw her drop and held her up and fanned her to give her air.

"vern, help me! please." april shouted as vern rushed over. "grab me something wet or a liquid. anything!"

"sure thing, o'neil." vern got up and ran off. leo came over after he calmed down from the adrenaline rush and knelt next to april.

"what happened?" he asked as he grabbed eliza's cold hand.

"i-i don't know. she just dropped when you guys got out. i don't know what happened."

"eliza!" brenda called as she came over and looked at her sister. "what happened to her?"

"I don't know, but we need to get out of here and find sacks. he's behind all of this and we need to stop this." april said as she looked down at eliza. before she could call donnie over to check her, eliza shot upright, her eyes still glowing red but was slowly fading back to her natural navy blue.

"eliza, you okay?" brenda asked while resting her hand on her sister's cold cheek. "i'm fine. I just..feel weird. i don't know."

"well, we can worry about that later, right now, we have a manhunt to undergo." brenda joked before eliza laughed softly and she helped her to her feet.

"you good?" leo asked when eliza was to her feet. "yeah. are you okay?"

"i've never been better!" leo said with a cheeky grin as eliza smiled brightly and grabbed her katana from off the ground.

"where did you get that?"

"i found it in the weapons room. i know it's yours, but-"

"no, keep it. it suits you, actually." leo said although eliza could clearly see a blush raising on his face. "no time for flirting, you two. let's go!"

"sacks is airborne!" raph shouted as eliza growled softly.

"i could try and go after it, but i never flown that high before." brenda said as eliza looked around. she spotted a row of tractor trailers before she looked at donnie.

"donnie, how fast can we get to the city with those trucks?" she asked as donnie looked at the trucks and scanned them.

"well, if we move now, then we can get on one of them, head that way, and be there in maybe less than an hour."

"okay, i'll cover you guys. vern, when you get the truck started, drove out of here like hell." eliza said. "i'll help you." brenda assured before both sisters looked at the others.

"are you sure you guys got this?" leo asked as eliza nodded.

"we're the ramsys. there's nothing we can't do." eliza joked before she walked from behind the wall, brenda following after her and saw a group of soldiers outside with their guns held high.

"when you said there's nothing we can't do, did you mean we could take on this many guards?" brenda said as eliza smirked over at her.

"what? too many bad guys for you?"



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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