VI. Power

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i began to slowly wake up to a pair of forest green eyes. i realized that it was april. i gasped and sat up straight only to yell in pain and drop back down on the ground.

"hey, careful! i had to put in stitches! you don't want to rip them!" april snapped as i panted softly.

"what happened? where am i?" i asked as she placed a wet rag on my head.

"we're still in the lair. but, something happened..." april began as i looked around.

"where's brenda?"

"they took her, eliza. along with leo, mikey, and donnie." april said as my eyes widened. tears welled down my eyes as i sat up, not caring about the stitches, and wrapped my arms around april. "we'll get them back. i promise."

"how? we don't know where we're going or where to find them." i exclaimed as alarms went off.

"more foot soldiers?!" i whimpered as april stood up and walked over to the somewhat damaged computers.

"no. it's some sort of tracker." april said as raph walked in, scaring the life out of me.

"it's donatello." he realized as he looked at me. "you good?"

i nodded before i began to stand.

"hey! sit back do-" april began but stopped when i began to unwrap the bandage on my abdomen and looked down to see it was perfectly healed.

"how-?" i shook my head and shrugged before i began to touch the part where my wound was. no pain. it was gone.

"maybe it's another part of my mutation." i suggested as april shrugged. "okay. we'll figure it out later. we need to find leo and the others."

april nodded before she suggest getting a ride from vern.

"wait, then he'll know about raph." i realized as april nodded.

"either way, he's the only one i can trust right now." april said as i sighed. well, hope this one goes well.


as raph got his brothers' weapons, i walked towards the weapons wall and saw a whole bunch of weapons lying around. katanas, sais, nunchucks, knives. everything.

i went over to one katana that got my attention. it had a blue metal handle. it reminded me a lot of leo's katanas. i picked up and examined it closely. it's shining detail, it's cool feeling, it's blazing red flame, it's-

wait, what?!

i snapped out my trance and saw the sword lit up with red flame like features. i looked at the hand and saw my veins were showing, but were glowing red.

i began to freak out until i heard a voice behind me.

"you have found your powers' switch."

i turned to see splinter, a little bruised and holding his side. i approached him quickly to help him.

"what do you mean?" i asked as i placed an arm over his shoulders and walked him to the medical room where i was in.

"you can't control your powers when you want to, but the katana helped by absorbing your powers and containing it when you're ready to use it. it's almost like an on-or-off switch. when you want to use your powers, it will detect that. when you don't, it will automatically shut down." splinter explained as i nodded and helped lay him down.

"i got us a ride. we have to meet vern up top." april said once she finally came in. i nodded before i looked back down at splinter.

"you're going to be okay, splinter. i promise." i assured as he laid his furry hand on top of mine.

"don't worry about me, eliza. worry about getting your sister and my sons back." he said as i nodded and stood up.

"let's go kick some foot ass!"

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