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swar was hugging sanskar while he just stood sternly without reciprocating. Since she was sobbing and hugging him, it was getting difficult for sanskar. He just pulled her out of hug.
Sanskar- enough of your drama swara. I heard what you had to speak. Now no more.
Swara felt hurt by his words. He quickly picked few of his clothes and unbolted the door jerking swara's hand who tried to again stop him, walking out while forcefully shutting the door behind halting swara's steps making her scared with the loud noise it produced.
In guest room-
Sanskar was in washroom, splashing water on his face continuously. It didn't affect him much so he took a shower relaxing himself, trying to get relief from the headache and also burying his emotions.
Changing into casuals he took medicine and went for a nap. Although not so peaceful but it gave some relief to him.
Swara in her room was still for some time, only tears flowed out of her eyes. Then she slowly started arranging back his clothes which were scattered. While keeping his clothes back she leaned on the cupboard and cried holding his clothes.
Evening time- in mm hall
Laksh- [came from office, to ap who was in hall ] maa bhai has come. Where is he?
Ap- [confusedly] sanskar....but I didn't see him.
Laksh- no his car is outside and he was supposed to come today.
Ap- you go and freshen up. I will see to him. Where is your papa?
Laksh- who...papa and chachaji met an old friend so they are with him. Will come in some time?
Ap- ok.

Laksh went to his room. Ap was going to swasan room when she saw the lights of guest room on.
Ap- [to self] why is lights on in guest room?
She went and knocked on the door. Sanskar opened the door who has woken up only a while before. Ap was confused seeing sanskar in the guest room and sanskar was surprised to find ap on the door.
Sanskar- maa.....ammm......did you had any work......if so you could have called me.
Ap- no...actually beta I was going to call you only but seeing the lights of this room on, I thought to check. Why are you here? Swara is back home so now you should be in your room.
Sanskar- maa actually i...wo....it didn't came in my mind. I wasn't in that room for so long so when I came I just......[he didn't know how to say more and be convincing at the same time]
Ap- ohh......it's ok. It happens sometimes. [hesitantly] I have to talk something.
Sanskar- yes maa.... First come inside.
Ap- [coming inside] who..sanskar..beta I am sorry for not talking to you for so many days. [sanskar was going to say something but was stopped by ap] let me speak beta. Aadarsh will do something like that I didn't thought also. Now he is in jail, far from us. That day I lost my one son and then when laksh wasn't being found. I didn't understand where he went so suddenly. I held you responsible for that and so didn't utter a word to you but it was my mistake to rationalise between my all sons. I hurt you. I am sorry beta. Hope u will understand me.
Sanskar- it's ok maa. I understand.
Ap kissed on his forehead.
Ap- accha now you won't be here. Arre swara is back home. You must be happy now. Now shift to your room. Who lives in guest room in their own house. And haan laksh was asking for you. Do one thing come in hall. I have to feed you sweets for the good news too.

Sanskar- good news. What good news maa?
Ap- come down then I will tell.
Ap smiled and went down.
Sanskar sighed. In the noon itself he came after having arguments with swara in this room and now he has to go back there for ap.
Taking his clothes, he went to swasan room. Opening the door he entered and saw the room arranged neatly and swara was standing near the window, leaning on the window pane. hearing the cracking sound of door she was disturbed and turned to see sanskar entering. She didn't move from her place but kept looking at him with her watery blur eyes. Sanskar showed as if he didn't bother of her presence. Opening the cupboard he threw the clothes in making a roll and without looking at her came out of room.
In hall-
Laksh seeing sanskar came excitedly to him and hugged tightly.
Laksh- bhai.. what is this? you should take your calls. No information, no talks, nothing.
Sanskar- I was busy in work.
Laksh- Don't know how could you be so busy in work. [Dramatically sighs] [sanskar fakely smiles]
Laksh- accha I have a super, fantastic, good news. Guess what... [he paused while sanskar narrowed his eyes at his actions and suspense]... you are going to be bade papa and I am going to become papa.
Sanskar- [smiled and hugged him happily ] congratulations laksh. I am so happy for you.
Laksh- thank you bhai. I am able to live this happiness just because of you, otherwise I would have still been stuck in the mess I myself created.

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