Chapter 1 -- And Baby Makes Three

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"NCIS Agent Gregorio".

"Hello Tammy. This is Doc Wade. Can I speak to Agent LaSalle?"

"Sure let me go get him."

"Christopher LaSalle."

"Hello Christopher. I called to tell you it's time"

"Time for what Ms. Loretta?"

"Time for your daughter to make her entrance:"

"Oh! What? Really? Where are you?"

"I'm in the car waiting for your wife and her mother to waddle out here."

"Okay, I'm on the way."

"Tammy it's time. I gotta go!"

"Not like that. I'm driving"

"King, it's time. The baby's coming."

Later in the car

"Breath Christopher!"

"That's easy for you to say Tammy. You're not having a baby."

"Are you sure that I can't convince you to name the baby after her Aunt Tammy?"

"Gregorio you good and well know that we told Catherine's family that we would name our daughter after her."

"I'm just trying to help make you to relax Chris."

"Thanks Tammy. As happy as I am, there is some pain to remember the day that Catherine gave her life to save my wife's."

"Tammy give me a minute. I need to make a call." Hello momma. It's time. No I just know they are on their way to the hospital. I will call you when I know more."

"Chris I'll let you out here."

A few minutes later in the maternity wing.

"I'm Christopher LaSalle. Oh, wait, I see my mother in law over there"

"Hi mom. Where is she?"

" In room 6. Her water finally broke. The nurse said for you to on in."

"Hey Mr. LaSalle. Come on in."

"Hi honey, how are you doing?"

"What do you mean how am I? If I can survive a bullet, I can get this damn baby out."

"Come on Sonja, you're the one who wanted this baby now."

"It's called family planning Chris. If you want a son, you need to be on board too. I'm only doing this one more time. My butt has never been this big. It will take two years for me to get this weight off."

"Here honey take my hand. What else can I do?"

"How about some ice?"

Just then in walks the doctor

"Well everything looks fine. I would suggest that you scrub in Mr. LaSalle. Your wife took about an hour too long to get here with her stubborn self and the labor is farther along than normal for a first baby. It won't be that long unless her head is bigger than I expect. The delivery should go quickly."

Sonja persevered and the baby finally arrived an hour later. I was able to cut the cord and handed our daughter to her mother.

"Hi Momma. She's here and yes, she's beautiful. She has black curly hair and the doctor thinks her eyes are going to be green like Cade's."

"Her name? We wanted to surprise you momma. Catherine Marie. Don't cry momma. We love you and wanted to honor you too."

"Well, Sonja's mother is with her right now. I don't know how long she will be here. I insisted on hiring a cleaning lady over Sonja's objections. No King and I talked. He said since I could afford it, just do it. I insisted on buying the bigger house back in the city but Sonja wanted to rent and see what happens the next few years. He said that Sonja will have enough to do taking care of Catherine.

I'll be there a couple of months so we'll see. King suggested that I take the time since my health plan allows for it. He said it will make up for all the months that Sonja was overseas.

I have to admit that I'm looking forward to spending time with Sonja. She's been away as much as she has been in country. Then I have no idea what the future holds. I may not be able to take the time when the next baby comes.

Sonja and Catherine were able to come home two days later. It seemed that Catherine was having some trouble breastfeeding and the doctors wanted to make sure that the issue was resolved and that she was getting enough nourishment. It was also good for my wife as she was starting to chafe at the nurses' constant presence and them seeming to want to control how she was caring for her child.

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