The beginning

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The rain poured down on the figure, as she ran through the forest, occasionally looking back to make sure that her pursuers weren't too close, she panted, her breaths coming out as fog.

She tripped on a branch and fell to the floor, throwing her hands out in time to catch herself, she was up again instantly, and bolting through the forest, she could hear the growls of her pursuers, but she didn't give up, she'd already managed to escape her Uncle's territory, and no man's land, she was now two territories over.

Her clothes were soaked to her, but she still kept her hood on, she crossed the border of another pack, and continued through the forest, suddenly she heard growls, and then the sound of people fighting, she didn't stop to look as she continued to run. As the forest broke up a little, she saw a house that was six stories high. A pack house she thought.

Running to the front door, she knocked on it contiguously, the more she knocked, the more tears fell down her cheeks, " Open the door, please!" she cried, the front lights switched on, and a middle aged lady opened the door.

"Can I help you dear?" she asked, staring at the soaked girl in front of her,

"P-please, I need help," she whispered, as she collapsed, her hand falling from her side and revealing her blood stained hand.

"Oh my god! Someone get the doctor!" the woman shouted, as she knelt down next to the girl, applying pressure onto her wound, "What's your name dear?" the woman asked.

"C-Clary" she whispered, and coughed,

"I'm Meredith, everything will be ok" she whispered, reassuringly, " Where's the doctor!?" she shouted, as the girls head fell to the side, "No, no, no, sweetie you need to stay awake"

"What happened?" a lady asked as she ran into the room,

"Doctor! she's bleeding heavily, she needs help!" she exclaimed, people ran into the room to see the commotion as they moved the girl inside, "Someone get the Alpha!" Meredith shouted, and people ran off to retrieve the Alpha.

A few minutes later, you could hear thudding footsteps coming down the stairs, "What's going on?!" a deep voice demanded,

"Alpha, she showed up on the doorstep, and she's injured on her side pretty bad" Meredith replied.

"We gotta move her to the infirmary!" the doctor exclaimed

"Let's go" Meredith said, standing up already, moving towards Clary's  head so she could help lift her, giving the Alpha a chance to look at her, and her head lulled towards him, causing their eyes to lock, the Alpha took in a deep breath.

"Mine!" he growled, everyone gasped,

"Alpha Axel, she's your mate?" The doctor asked, Axel nodded, "Ok, well do you think you can carry her to the infirmary? She's losing a lot of blood, the wound looks like it was caused by silver" Axel growled, before nodding, lifting Clary up, causing her to whimper.

"It's going to be a long night" Meredith muttered before following after them.

Ok so new story, hope you guys liked

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