The Boys... and Savannah

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Its been a while since the whole blow up between Gus, Nilsa, and I, and since then nothing has really been the same. Jeremiah went back home and Aimee won't even look at me cause Nilsa would freak. All I know is I have really been spending these last couple days all by myself and everyone was going to go to New Orleans and to be completely honest I really didn't want to go. 

"Savannah have you seen my toothbrush its not in the bathroom," Kortni says from inside the bathroom as she throws everything that was on the sink around. 

"Did you pack it already?" I ask sitting on her bed while she runs around the bathroom.

"Oh my god you're right I completely forgot." She says running over to her small suitcase and pulling out a smaller bag and with in that one she pulls out her pink toothbrush. "Did you finish packing for the trip yet?" Kortni mumbles through brushing her teeth. 

"No I haven't started yet." I say, "I don't think im gonna go." I say which makes her turn and look at me in complete shock.

"You have to go," she exclaims while spitting out her toothpaste. "If you aren't going then im not going." She says in protest standing with one hand on her hip. 

"Look no one besides you wants me to go Kortni." 

"That not true. Jeremiah, Kirk, Candance, and Codi want you to go." She says taking a seat next to me on her bed. 

"Yeah but I don't want to go just to watch them hook up the whole time." I sigh. Nilsa and Gus have started a friends with benefits relationship and it made this even more awkward and weird for me. I felt like I was walking on glass everywhere I went, I had to watch what I said because if I made a comment on their new relationship all hell would break loose in this house. 

"Who cares about them Savannah? You are coming with us and we are going to have an amazing time. And maybe we'll find you a guy," She says with a big smirk on her face. "I'm not giving you a choice. You are coming!"

"Kortni I don't know," I mumble.

"No Savannah shut up, you are coming."

"Fine," I say with a big eyeroll. 


We have been in New Orleans and everything was going pretty good Aimee, Nilsa, and Gus still weren't talking to me but that was ok cause I was having fun with everyone else. Well... in til a huge fight broke out between Aimee and Gus. All I heard was screaming and yelling as I got into the shower because neither of them were talking to me so I didn't and definitely wasn't going to get involved.

After about a half an hour I get out of the shower and head into the room that had my suitcase in it. Only to find the guys sitting around and not one girl in sight. "Where did all the girls go?" I ask.

"Down stairs to beg Aimee not to leave." Gus says with a sufficient amount of attitude. "You should probably go join them."

"Gus I literally don't know what happened and you know Aimee and I aren't speaking so I'm definitely not taking anyone sides." I say shutting Gus down real quick. "So what are the plans then?" 

"I think the guys and girls are going to stay separate for the night," Jeremiah says.

"Oh, well I don't know what I'm doing then." I say, "Cause I'm definitely not spending my night with 2 out of 4 people who aren't talking to me." 

"Why don't you come with us?" Kirk offers. 

"I don't want to ruin your guys night." 

"No Savannah your fine don't worry." Jeremiah says.

"Yeah but only if all of you are ok with it," I say looking straight at Gus.

After a long sigh and everyone giving him pleading looks Gus finally agrees to let me join. "Ok give me like 15 minutes to finish getting ready." I say before running back to the bathroom to get changed. 


As the guys and I bar hoped we were all having a good time, I finally got caught up on the whole fight that happened but Gus still wasn't really talking to me. 

As the five of us were drinking and dancing we all quickly notice the girls enter the club. They make it obvious to ignore all of us especially Gus. I could tell right away that us was annoyed and upset at the current situation. "Hey do you want to go talk outside." I basically yell into his ear so he could hear me. All he does is nod his head yes then lead the way outside. 

"Are you ok? I could tell you seemed pretty annoyed when they came in." I say as I take a seat next to him on the sidewalk. 

"Yeah I mean she's just so disrespectful and I was trying to have a good night without her.Then they all showed up and Codi was playing the fence." He says quickly start to go on a very big rant about the argument. 

After he finished and got most of his frustrations out I started to step in, "Well I know I wasn't there when the fight happened and I odiously don't think it was ok for her too hit you. But you both know each other so well and know how to really hit where it hurts. So for her to be upset about what you said because it was so personal everyone knows that you get upset when people call you out on being sensitive. So you both hurt each other and I think you need to understand that was well. But she should definitely apologize for hitting you." I say giving him my perspective on the situation.

"Yeah I guess so.... Thanks Savannah." He says, "Hey I'm sorry I have been such a dick recently." His apology kept me quiet I wanted more then just 'I am sorry'. I wanted real genuine one that he actually believed.

There was a long moment of silence before I spoke again, "You know how much you hurt me right?" Gus couldn't even look at me he kept his head down looking at the glass that was in his hand. "You picked Nilsa over me, I thought we were best friends you were my number one peron in the house and you picked her so you could have a friends with benefits... I just thought I meant more to you."

Gus kept quiet for a moment taking in what I said, "Savannah you mean more to me then anyone else in this house. I made a huge mistake picking her over you and not talking to you," He says looking up at me "I love you so much," him saying those words made my heart stop and my stomach fill with butterflies. "you're family to me." Oh shit my bad

"I love you too," I say with a tight smile pulling in Gus for a hug. 

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