who said they can't be fun

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Wow. Another chapter surprise, surprise. Please Please comment and like cause that's the only reason I update is when people comment asking for them. I also have a lot of free time right now so your girl is on her shit. Enjoy even though the beginning of this chapter is kind of a filler. And I wrote this in like an hour so be kind :)

He didn't say anything. He never came upstairs, he never came in my room. He never said anything. He never fought for us in a best friend kind of way. He never fought for our friendship. So I sat in my bed and tried to go to sleep hoping that maybe he could come in my room are maybe I could just open my eyes and this would just be a dream. Hours had went by and at this point I didn't care anymore. I was the type of person to get over things quickly and try to forget about them... especially if it was embarrassing for me. 

I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open having about an hour of sleep was not a good decision on my part. Throwing the last couple of things into my suitcase I made my way downstairs. "Breakfast sandwich?" Jeremiah offers holding a huge plate of sandwiches. 

"Yeah thanks," I say taking one. Codi and Gus both waited in the kitchen, Gus of course didn't even look at me. I took a seat by myself on the couch eating my breakfast sandwich before Kortni threw her suitcase down the stairs, scaring everyone that was downstairs.

Eventually we all loaded into the thot-mobiles and headed to the airport. Kornti and I ended up seating next to each other and slept the entire time. Neither of us were the biggest morning people so it was good to get some rest. Heading out of the airport we all were running to our van to head to the hotel. The Cabo heat quickly heat me as we packed in to the van.

Looking into the van I see the only available seat was in the back row with Jeremiah and Gus taking a long sigh and take the seat. "Welcome to Cabo everybody!" The driver says making all the roommates cheer in excitement but I didn't. Yes I was excited to be in Cabo but the guy that I just told I had feelings for and he didn't feel the same was sitting right next to me. Not only did he not feel the same he didn't even say anything to me, not a single word. 

But it was ok, this was just the reassurance that all my fears were correct. Jeremiah was correct. Gus didn't feel the same way and that was it. Know I just had to pray I could eventually salvage our friendship. 

Taking in all the beautiful views of Cabo we headed to the hotel, the plan was to stop at the hotel get ready and immediately go out and I was excited to start drinking... a lot. "Excuse me," Gus says to me. His voice took me by surprised I didn't even know what to say I just looked up to him in shock. 


"Excuse me," he says mentioning for me to move my legs so he could get through.

"Oh sorry," I say moving my legs.

"Thanks," he says moving Codi's bag to the know empty space next to me so he could sit in front of me. I quietly sighed to myself realizing the damage I had probably done to our friendship might be permanent . 

Jumping out of the van we were greeted with some drinks, which honestly was the best part of my day so far. "Hey are you ok?" Kirk asks me as I take a big gulp of my drink.

"Yeah why?" I ask confused by his sudden interest. Yeah I was upset but I thought I was doing a pretty ok of hiding it.

"Cause you seem upset, did something happen between you and your boyfriend?" Kirk says referring to Gus, who he jokes is my boyfriend.

"No," I say I was trying my best to seem like nothing happened, "Why did he say something?" I question.

"No, but I might have over heard something last night."

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