Scene Four

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Elsie was exhausted by the time she got home. Her train had been slightly delayed and she didn't get home til gone one in the morning. But at least the stressful journey home had made her temporarily forget about Lucas.

She really had wanted to prove to him that she wasn't some crazy girl who thought it was perfectly acceptable to insult him for no good reason, but tonight hadn't exactly gone to plan. She smiled as she thought of the show. It really had been her favourite performance ever and seeing Lucas as 'Danny' was incredible. She would definitely go back, but she wasn't certain if she would give stage door a miss the next time.

She drifted off to sleep fairly quickly that night, only to be woken by a buzz from her phone.

She sleepily rubbed her eyes and took it from the bedside table, wondering who an earth it could be at three thirty in the morning. She squinted against the bright light of the screen as she realised it was a tweet. Her heart leapt as she saw Lucas's name.

@ ElsieTheFlorist: Thanks for coming to see the show tonight. Was lovely to see you again xx

She couldn't believe that he had tweeted her! She had been too tired to tweet any of the cast when she got in, and now here was Lucas on her page, tweeting her for all to see. She wouldn't tweet him back now. It was stupid o'clock in the morning and she didn't really know what to say. She tossed and turned all night trying to get back to sleep, but it was a broken night. She decided to give in at six thirty and trudged to her kitchen, making a cup of much needed coffee.

As she got ready for work, her phone pinged with a message from Jess.

'Elsie! I can't believe you didn't tell me you were going to the show last night. What did I miss? Did you speak to the cast? Tell me everything!
Have you seen your tweet from Lucas? He tweeted you off his own back! I bet you are euphoric right now. Message me!'

Elsie laughed at the message and quickly typed a reply back.

'Hi Jess, sorry I didn't let you know, it was a last minute thing. Didn't speak to any of the cast but Lucas, I was too shy. Lucas was lovely just like last time and yes, his tweet made me smile. I may have insulted him a tiny bit again last night but I'll fill you in later. Got to go to work now!'

She was ready almost half an hour early before she had to leave the house, so she sat at her kitchen counter and carefully composed a tweet back to Lucas.

@ LucasKnight27 Thank you for a wonderful performance. You rocked!

She decided against any kisses, she didn't want to look too soppy with him. She also wondered if she should mention anything about what was said at stage door, but decided not to. She didn't want all of Twitter to know how much of a fool she had made of herself.

At around lunchtime, Elsie checked her phone, seeing that Lucas had liked her tweet. It made her smile, but then she felt guilty for not liking his from last night, so she liked it then instead.

The days at work drifted by quickly and a month had gone by without Elsie even noticing. It was a busy period for the flower industry with Mother's Day having just been, so she had been working longer hours than usual.

Lucas usually tweeted to his followers once or twice a day. Sometimes about the show, sometimes about politics and sometimes, just about how much he loved his Mum. Elsie never tweeted back, he always had plenty of replies from other fans and she didn't really see the point. She didn't know what to say to him. She had replied once though, when he put a picture of himself on Twitter. He was standing underneath a massive tree with a long navy coat on. He looked like something out of a magazine as he smiled naturally into the camera. His dark hair stood out against the green leaves of the tree and he looked absolutely dreamy. Like a film star. He had captioned the picture 'Under a tree'.

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